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Does anyone know where to find that rule 34 of Will dressed as a prostitute?

I know there was once a Witch hentai game somewhere and I don’t remember what it is called

still is. by somka108

disney really screwed up WITCH, still bitter after all these years

I thought the ending of the comic was so shit. Would Disney acknowledge W.i.t.c.h like i don’t know make some merch or what?

Really disappointed at the quality of the newer prints of the comics in english. The binding is super tough and it's hard to read any words in the corners of it

Stop trying to make WITCH happen, it’s not gonna happen


there was merch in its heyday but disney global does not really acknowledge anything outside its mainline properties

Was rereading it and it's kind of amazing how much the art quality nosedives after the first few chapters. And then it kinda alternates between teams I suppose. Sucks Barbucci and Canepa didn't get control of it for way longer.

Also Barbucci seems kind of fond of Will mostly going from his instagram pics

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The show is shit

yeah it's a bummer

I'd like to think there is a non-zero chance of Disney trying to make something happen there and it not being absolute ass since they are letting their creators get away with more stuff nowadays. But it's probably not happening anytime soon.

yeah the comic is way better but i don't know if it's just nostalgia talking here

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Is Phobos still a completely one-dimensional moustache-twirler in the comic too?

he's a huge asshole but all other characters are more fleshed out, especially all the girls. they feel like actual teenage girls.

that said the art really does alternate between good and terrible, even some pivotal chapters looking like ass while more inconsequential ones look pretty good. The first couple of chapters are pretty good though so you could try checking just the first two arcs.

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you know the absolute drag of the nerissa arc probably killed a lot of interest in the comic

I don't even remember it too much, I'm on the process of rereading this but I'll probably stop after Nerissa and fill the rest with the Wiki.

(Is it wrong that the fact that most romantic interests look like they're 17 when the girls are 13 at most? That's what stood up the most in my re-reading so far.)

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>Is Phobos still a completely one-dimensional moustache-twirler in the comic too?
He wasn't under the only original team, but when they got tossed out midway through the first arc he turned into a terribly written one.
Thank goodness for his later return in Trial of the Oracle, where the newer team actually did some decent stuff with him.
Issue 1-6 Phobos was a recluse who didn't how himself to anyone but a chosen few. Cedric wished to become part of him(the whisperers aren't just Phobos minions- in the early series they were straight up him).
Issue 7 and on, Phobos is now a moustache twirling megalomaniac acting out in the open, Caleb(a whisperer) shows up and is somehow not part of Phobos.

yeah he's pretty cool and mysterious at first and looks like a cool villain
and then suddenly he's there and he's kinda generic. I'll have to get to the Trial I guess I don't remember much.

What I really like is that tehre are a bunch of neat ideas thrown out but most aren't explored at all.

>Comic Arc 1, Issue 1-6>Comic Arc 3-5>Cartoon Season 2>Cartoon Season 1>Comic Arc 2>Comic Arc 6>Comic Arc 7=Comic Arc 8>Comic Arc 1, Issue 7-12
Issues past arc 8 are hard to rate because they dropped the arc system entirely, and what we get are some alright stories and some complete shit.
Arc 1 Issue 7-12 are probably on par with Arc 7 and 8(neither of which are particularly great) but I rate it lower because it shat all over the great early issues.

Reminder that Cedric was totally into Phobos

>Arc 1 Issue 7-12 are probably on par with Arc 7 and 8(neither of which are particularly great) but I rate it lower because it shat all over the great early issues.

yeah it gets really bad there, stuff gets anticlimatic and the art is just absolute trash but hopefully it picks up again. Does anyone know the number when the original artists left the team?

I know it's an european comic but i was kinda surprised how homerotic stuff got between them in their first interactions, especially in a Disney comic but I haven't read many european Disney comics so maybe it's not that weird.

>Does anyone know the number when the original artists left the team?
It's not really clear, but 7 seems like the point where the new team has been placed on the comic because so much changes immediately
-Phobos goes from recluse to moustache twirler yelling at his now comically incompetent underling
-The Rebels, who had no leader until Issue 6(where Vathek decides to pick up the mantle) suddenly had a leader all along(Caleb).
-Elyon goes from siding with Cedric and being rather villainous to despising him immediately despite this obviously not being the case in 6 despite his bad actions.
-Cornelia and Elyon are suddenly old friends closer than anyone, when Elyon was not directly tied to any one of the Guardians before(the closest one was Will, because of their shared interest in Matt).
Funny fact, with Whisperers being Phobos, and Caleb getting his own will because of Elyon's dreams, Elyon's main love interest is her own brother as her literal dream guy.

Issue 1-6 Cedric literally wanted to become part of Phobos's own being, it was the highest honor he could think of.

I, too was totally into Phobos. In fact i was into almost every character, main and on of, of this comic. They don't make 'em like this anymore.

I always wondered if Phobos' constant bathing scenes were based on Saga's, considering Saint Seiya was big in Italy

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I had a crush on Irma back then. Still my favorite.

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Irma best girl

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Cedric might have become more incompetent after issue 6, but he really recovered in the Endarno and Ludmoore arcs


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Oh yes.