How come there are never really any Black cutie love interests in cartoons?

How come there are never really any Black cutie love interests in cartoons?
Are cartoon racist?

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The closest I can think of is Valerie from Danny Phantom but then Danny ended of with Sam a white girl.

Because I took them all, they're mine and you'll never get them back.

delet this

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Danny is unbased and bluepilled

Bad ending

>Why yes I do prefer superior ebony women how could you tell?

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I'd like a cute cartoon set during antebellum slavery involving the son of plantation owner and the bed wench he rapes on a daily basis. You could call it "she's one of the good ones"

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>cute girl with a complex personality, character development, an actually deep personal relationship and tons of chemistry with Danny
>lol nah let's stick him with the cunty obnoxious goth-poser slacktivist who's only into him for his powers
I'm still mad

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Batman Brave and the Bold had Vixen be with Beast but then he died.

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Not to mention the natural protagonist/antagonist relationship that always happens in cartoons like these.

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>I'd like a cute cartoon set during antebellum slavery involving the son of plantation owner and the bed wench he rapes on a daily basis.
This, except with hugs, snuggles and kisses.

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left looks like a tool
right is rather dashing

They put Bumblebee with Mal in the Young Justice cartoon but they barely got any focus together and they’ve always been canon in the comics.

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Extremely redpilled and high quality thread

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>dark skin = black

I mean he could look indian or thai or something too

>black cutie thread
>generic anime meido colored brown
Get that shit outta my face

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>are cartoons racist?
Most media is pretty racist. Most animation is conceived and written by people in U.S. and Canada (both founded on white supremacy) and Korea/Japan (both pretty racist towards black skin)

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There’s that one trans comic artist with a black lesbian fetish. They worked on Jem


fat black amputee lesbians

It’s like they don’t want black girls to be in relationships.

yes they are, they'd prefer all black characters to be a subservient nerd role if they had the chance.

No, they want black girls to only be in relationships with black men, and white men to only be in relationships with white girls.

Black men and white girls can be as interracial as they want, but black girls and white men? It's apparently against papal decree.

They want them for themselves