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i am glad stonetoss finally decided to change his artstyle

Funny webcomic thread?

Attached: Around Asians perform evasions.jpg (962x1560, 270.71K)


good thinking, now no one will know he's a chink

good thing he's used to walking around with his eyes closed

Oh poor chinese. Its not like their perverse diets, poor air quality and city sanitation, health choices, tyrannical and unaccountable government aren't responsible.

Fuck them. I don't feel at all bad for the chinese in the slightest. They're all a bunch of simps. Have been for the past two dynasties.


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I still laugh when I think of that video with the Chinese guy holding a sign saying I'm not a disease with people hugging him. Aged like milk on a hot day

don't you have some clorox to ingest?

Attached: chinazi.png (602x520, 455.86K)

>he thinks everyone of Chinese descent is literally China

>guy gets offended by other people making fun of his culture or stereotyping him
>proceeds to do exactly that to everyone else

Really makes you think.


>I'm offended
Wow triggered much

I thought he was Philipino.

I think he needs an honest friend in his life. Someone to tell him what an asshole he is.

If I were of Chinese descent, I wouldn't associate myself with those retarded commies in any way.
I'd just lie and say I'm from some other Asian country, since most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway.

>implying Pilip's are chinks
Nice try you self-hating cuck.

Chang pls.

If you saw a man pointing a gun at everyone in a crowd would you ask him if he had a permit or would you run?
In certain situations you just know that some people are dangerous & should be avoided.

I don't think user is trigger, this seems like an accurate summary of Josh Luna's entire career.

The president said to inject the bleach, not ingest the bleach.

The only panels that have complaints actually worth being upset over are the first and fifth panel, there's nothing wrong with everything else he depicted.

>hmm, how can I show the highest degree of ignorance of a specific country in as few words as possible?
>he thinks people would actually believe he isn't chinese if he had any oriental features.

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I don't even understand what your analogy is supposed to mean here

>bat soup commieland is the only asian country

>If you saw a man pointing a gun at everyone in a crowd would you ask him if he had a permit or would you run?
I would assume that he's a white Republican storming the Michigan state capitol, and therefore he's just exercising his patriotic right to be a terrorist.

I thought it was a vault dweller in the thumbnail.

Many right wingers have been drinking bleach way before the donald told them to.
Yes, now you understand racists.

It's safer to stay away from all Asians instead of nitpicking if they're Chinese or Korean or what have you. They're all close enough that they could all be carriers.

I'm pretty sure racists know that places like Korea and Japan exist, even if they cant immediately tell racial features apart, which is why lying about being from any Asian country other than commieland works.

Left-wingers, sorry. I mistyped.