Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD K6BD

“Remember, oh student, this above all other laws: the grip of a sword is suffused with a deep and powerful poison that rots to the bone. It can never be rid of once touched, no matter how much you wish otherwise.

The sword does not kill. The hand kills. The hand is the most beautiful part of a human being, and is capable of nearly infinitely other things than parting men from their ghosts. Once you touch the sword, a terrible tragedy will occur, and your hand will slowly lose this ability. Over time, it will cease to be a hand, and become a sword.”


Incubus has very poor timing to show up right around the title drop part on in this book, though to be fair to him he probably wasn't aware this was a regular thing.

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>post yfw user was right

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>the user was right

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right about what

>Relinquish your foolish delusions of control
Have to imagine that was an intentional reference. Now I know what voice to imagine Zoss with.

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>tfw a motherfucker called it
Big Daddy Z is here and Incubus is regretting all of his life choices.

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Captures my feeling perfectly!

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zoss walking in mid conversation

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Is Zoss saying that you can't win every battle? Because that's fucking awesome.

There's something comforting at the idea that in spite of all the weird things and ambiguity over every powerful being's capabilities that Zoss stands above all others to the degree that his mere appearance makes people shit themselves. He left the house for cigarettes and expected the kids to not wreck the house. And he's back and they all know the house is a mess.

I do find it strange Incubus isn't really paying attention to his words. You'd think this wouldn't be the first time Zoss has said them and that after all this time Incubus hasn't contemplated that maybe the old fucker might've been right. However, I hope he's doing some reverse psychology shit here because Zoss is very much telling the Beetle/Allison that it cannot learn Pankrash Circle FIghting and Allison will defiantly nut up and prove him wrong.

>Zoss just fucking walks in
I imagine pic related is about how Incubus felt when he recognized that voice.

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>Incubus hasn't contemplated that maybe the old fucker might've been right

It would be a lesson Incubus would have to learn for himself.

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Now I want to see an edit of this with Incubus' face and Zoss' hand with [PLOTTING STOPS]

>How I can help White Chain?

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The thing about Zoss is that he's /the/ O.G.

Everybody, and I do mean everybody, knows that he's the O.G., from the angels on down there's not one motherfucker that has any doubts to how terrifying this dude is. Even in the original "council" they had at the start of the comic everyone was shitting themselves at the mere thought of one of his plots, let alone the man himself.

Even now that they've got the fire lit under their asses they're still scared. Well tell a lie, Solomon is more envious than scared, but the point's the same.

Dead Zoss with a contingency plan was bad, Active Zoss stepping in directly is something to shit your pants over.

Also Incubus is still doing his anime "Impossibru!" sequence so the words aren't sinking in properly.

Hell of a spanner in the works for ol' incubus.
>Abandon all delusions of control

Although I'm sure everyone is talking about another user. Also I was wrong about Incubus, I thought he wouldn't be afraid of Zoss.

Is Zoss looking more golem-like than he did last time he popped up?

Zoss looks fucking massive on panel 3. I'm sure even Solomon would pale in his presence.

I don't really blame Incubus for equating bloody murder to power. It's pretty clear he wields a lesser version of Sword Law because he actually carries a proper sword around but regardless even a half-assed student of Meti is still powerful enough for anyone to justifiably be convinced you're the biggest dick in any room key or no key. When you grow up with nothing and some old lady teaches you how to kick the ass of every person you ever meet even Dad-Zoss probably couldn't change your mind.

I imagine Zoss never has laid a hand on any of the Demiurges rather just did that old-man bullshit by sitting there doling out the wisdom nobody listens to. He said never slapped Mottom even when she needed some sense slapped into her. But there's a good chance that someone challenged Zoss for the throne and he just lightning bolted them on the spot in a manner that is intimidating even to the Demiurges.

Something I don't see mentioned much is the fact that White Chain's body is just a shell she inhabits. She could get it repaired or find a new one from a Peregrine knight, Thorn, Vigilant Gaze, etc. The worst case scenario is, Salesman Developer destroys her old body and the group has to take some effort to build a new one.

This might sound silly, but that also complicates the concept of her defeat in the competition; if Multiwoman Divad can't destroy her soul flame and she keeps coming back, can he truly be said to have destroyed her in combat?

>Do I look like I give a shit

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By Solomon's rules, yes. Plus even if she can't be permanently killed, she can't touch Solomon either.

>I didn't know it was still possible to shit my pants

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Of course Incubus is afraid of Zoss. He spent the last page espousing his philosophy of the strong being able to do what they want and it being a dog eat dog world where the only thing that matters is if you can destroy everybody who fights you. So, then: Who is the biggest, strongest dog in the entire cosmic heirarchy, somebody who can literally squash you like a bug, who just appeared out of fucking nowhere, who was literally confirmed dead, and is now standing in front of you waxing poetic about the nature of strength and calling you a fucking moron at the same time.

Incubus is all about his crippling feelings of inadequacy, and the person who is literally everything he isn't just waltzed out of his tomb and verbally slapped him.

Oh shit, I am late with my reaction images. Also,
>The hand is the most beautiful part of a human being
Is it me or Abby is being self conscious about his hands & feet drawing capabilities?

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The important thing to remember is if any of the Seven actually paid attention to the proper lessons, they wouldn't be in the situation they're in. They all think they know better than Zoss

You can fuck up an angel hard enough that they go straight into stasis in the void, instead of just having to leave because their shell is broken.


I don't think they make angel armor anymore. If possible VG will give up his and WC will inhabit it and mold it to be her new one.

Note the emphasis.
>YOU cannot save her
Who's going to?

Man I love Incubus but seeing him drop the confidence facade and become a complete mess is so fucking satisfying. Compare his expressions in the previous page to how he is now.

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Gog Agog

is there a consolidated archive of all the text stories and mythologies anywhere? regretfully i skipped them when reading the first time (red text on black is an eyesore) but i'd like to read them now


Ahegao edit when?
Also, cool angel armour on Zoss with Root knight coat of arms on the hand, from where Zoss got this shell? does Viggi have one? Or his shell is so old that Roots weren't recognised yet?

I mean, it doesn't take long to flip through the comic. There's usually some little tidbit under each page. The website is the consolidated archive.