You have been given an infinite budget to make anything you want as long as it's animated

You have been given an infinite budget to make anything you want as long as it's animated.
What do you make?

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>What do you make?


yo mama animated series

An animated series greatly inspired by Kafka wherein the protagonist has an incredibly simple task or goal but goes through endless, increasingly disturbing and isolatory situations, meeting increasingly more uncanny valley characters who do nothing to help, much as they say they are.

A shot-for-shot remake of The Room but in the animation style of Samurai Jack

Alfie the animated series

>The Room
Cool, wasting your chance.

A slice of life show about me & my harem's adventures.

My real answer would probably be a show about the 2nd Punic War done by Wolf Smoke

Series of movies faithfully adapting The Silmarillion.

Stonetoss: The Animated Series

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Make a XXX rated adaptation of Adam Warren's Empowered

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Discworld: The Animated Series.

WWII, Eastern Front. I want the scale and complexity to be represented accurately.

I'd throw my pile of money into helping this young man realize his dream.

Warhammer animated series. Starting at the beginning. When hyper intelligent toadmen created most life in the galaxy. Going on over 40 seasons

A tales from the crypt style anthology of Trazyn the Infinite describing items in his collection, including how exactly he stole/kidnapped them.

Attached: Trazyn.jpg (250x340, 22.28K)

continue the Disney fairies story as an episodic series

Attached: Tinker.Bell.and.the.Great.Fairy.Rescue(2010).1080p.mkv_20180325_193644.670.png (1920x1080, 3.6M)

A bunch of dinosaur cartoons.

Attached: Spinosaurus swimming.webm (1024x576, 2.83M)

A Zig Forums variety show where every month I would ask Zig Forums what they would want animated and I animate it the following month. You could then vote on what you would want to see more of and then I would turn the highest rated short into its own show.
Worst case scenario is just a bunch of porn and gore shorts, best case we get a revolutionary cartoon that changes the industry for the better; plus a lot of god tier porn.

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I make dune. All of the original frank herbert novels.

Resident Evil 6 animated in the style of Samurai Jack, Totally Spies, Yugioh 5Ds, and Don Bluth

want it too


I'd like this too, but instead more like Antiques Roadshow. There could be guest experts and everything.

The invasion of Tyran by the soon to be named Tyranids.

My own damn cartoon i've been working on for half a decade.


I make an animated series about exploring the galaxy but I go full method.

100% accurate Starman adaptation