Honestly, would you have a Chubby girlfriend?

Honestly, would you have a Chubby girlfriend?

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Too thin

I have a chubny wife, so yes

chubby or fat?

really?? nice

Of course, they are superior both looks and tactile properties.


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fat. no. chubby. I can deal with that

Anyone who says yes is a cuck. I would rather be alone than with a fatty.

It's more than physical. It's about the kind of person fat people are. Disgusting the whole way through.

my chubby, pear shaped nerd gf is kino

what kind of people are they?

weak, disgusting, degenerate, etc.

why her tiddies so small?


And fatten her up and make her a fat gf? Yes

>its another autistic fetishist calls fatty mclardlasses "chubby" episode

Chubby is actually my preference but there is a very thin line between too skinny and too fat.

Why are you typing like that?

I have a chubby gf and she let's me rest my head on her belly. Never thought having a slightly chubby gf would be comfy to snuggle. Fatphobes can't fuck right off.

Fat people get shit on for a reason.
They're usually slobs with no self-control and emotional issues. That lack of self-control extends past not being able to shove food in their mouths.
I can tell you're either retarded or critically underaged.

Post your fatass girlfriend user, show us how hard you settled.

i now bro, its comfortable, right?

he's an autistic fatty

based and redpilled I'm 300lbs thanks to military-related ptsd atm tho so I don't really have a leg to stand on in this

no. as a 29 year old, however, the only girls left are fat girls, single moms, fat girls who are single moms, or just being alone forever. I understand that I too am not desirable by girls simply because I live with my parents (although idk how my friend is still getting laid while living with his parents again for the past 2 years and no job during this outbreak) and my hobby and my job, but at the end of the day I still would want an attractive girlfriend, with attractive being whatever I find attractive and in this case, a girl 50lbs heavier than me while being 5 inches shorter than me isn't attractive.

I already had one. It has its pros and cons.

keep grinding, user. climb that socioeconomic ladder. the qts are near the top.

i get it
for example... ?

>the only girls left are fat girls, single moms, fat girls who are single moms, or just being alone forever.
The right one for you will come hopefully

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That ain't chubby, that's fat with off-putting distribution

I'm a year out from kicking a cocaine addiction user, even though I'm moved back in to my abusive parents house because of this coronachan bullshit, I'm still moving forward. its never too late to lose the weight.

oh yes, its true

I feel you with the abusive parents. I was 350lbs when I was 21 at the tail end of being abused by my dipshit parents. Lost 150lbs to join the Navy but then gained 100lbs back during the time in the Navy, because I'm a punk bitch who couldn't deal with a military job. I was doing good at losing weight before corona, but quarantine has kind of cucked me.