Who do you ship Steven with ?

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yo mama

Online quizzes say I'm an Earthbender because I'm too sane

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DId Steven lose his virginity with Jasper?

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I'm sure him and Connie have done some stuff before his weekend with Jasper

They waited two years to kiss on the cheeks, nope. Steven came in the Cheeto bitch

I'd like to think after saving the world from Spinel Connie gave him a little reward

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One of the truckers he 100% fucks while on the road


This one?

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Does she breastfeed him?

My dad's a trucker and I've gone trucking all I can tell you is that potential sex with a truck sounds God awful. There bed is obviously made for one person in mind and I don't care who you ask fucking in a truck is the most poedunk, redneck, southern thing you can do aside from wearing a Confederate flag hat on your way to bojangles. Steven would not, could not, and should not fuck with anyone in a truck.

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Let him be a redneck and shapeshift a vagina and become a housewife


We don't have those women will do as much work as the men and even kick the mans ass if need bed.

Converse forever

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I still say it should be Conven

that's cause you're a cuck

>Why yes I do ship Connie and Steven how could you tell?

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That’s like saying you like vanilla ice cream or oxygen

wouldn't your analogy make more sense if you said chocolate since that is the more commonly liked flavor of the two

Chocolate can have variety, vanilla is basic

>not liking oxygen
I bet you breathe sulfur dioxide

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other way around

I don't get it, is it a faggot thing to like Jasper? Is it because it resembles a strong burly man?

>not thinking muscle women are hot
what are you a faggot?

That and then some.

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>tfw you'll never /ss/ with Jasper
It hurts, lads.

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Steven is open minded

The pain

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