Seriously, who was in the wrong?

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It’s just a barbecue Homer just wanted to bother Flanders with

Lisa for being an asshole and preventing everyone from eating the pig.


lisa as always

Lisa is mad at everyone for not holding the views that she herself only formed earlier that episode.

The answer to these is always everyone.

To be a little fair to Lisa it was really inconsiderate from Homer to go forth with a massive bbq party as his daughter was going through that phase. She might have not gone full PETA if he was a better parent.

Hey, if you don’t like meat, that’s fine, that’s no reason for you to ruin it for other people

Everyone laughed at Lisa's face when she offered the gazpacho. Not even humoring an eight year old.

Just for centristfags.

Hey the dog liked it

Not everyone goes to barbecues for cold soup

but you don't win friends with salad


This guy gets it.

I agree. What Im saying is that a functional adult would have handled their childs vegan phase better than turning it into a feud.

Lisa, of course. The answer is always Lisa, no matter the episode.

Of course but she's still a kid meaning well, dick move to laugh at her.

Forcing your ideology on someone is much like forcing your dick in someone. It is usually frowned upon, except by other assholes who like to force their dicks on people too.

The pig was already dead, stopping the BBQ wasn't going to save it, just waste it. Lisa was in the wrong.

Good one, Reddit! xD

Which is fine since she's supposed to be about 9 years old

This kind of "consideration" usually turns kids like Lisa into the kind of leftists we deal with today. They always got what they wanted, they always got pandered to their believes etc. and thus got turned into hyper moral monsters that get a mental breakdown once reality hits them once. This is the way to prepare a child for adulthood.


Just be polite. Kid made a meal. Might as well give it a taste.

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If you don't show children that there is room for more than one belief, and that making considerations and having reasonable discussion can accomodate different perspectives ...THEN they turn into the single-minded echo-chamber-inhabiting leftists you're talking about.

Children with parents like you grow up learning that there is one acceptable perspective, that is the perspective that the authority figure espouses.

When they are in positions of authority, they haven't learned to engage in reasoned discussion. They assert what they believe is right based on intuition because that's all they got growing up; an authority figure saying 'I'm not going to let you explain or have a perspective of your own because you're wrong'.


You retard. You simply assume that I would go apeshit angry and would tell her to stop being a vegetarian and force her to eat meat because it's the one and only thing? No, the moral of that episode was that's okay to be a vegetarian as long as you tolerate that other aren't. No meat eater is forcing a vegetarian/vegan to eat meat, but in real life it's why vegans are so shitty that they chronically want to conform everyone around them and shill their stupid faith. To quote Raven from Teen Titans: "I accept that that you don't eat meat, so please accept that I don't eat fake meat."
There is a proverb in my language that goes like this "Was du nicht willst das man dir tu, dass füg auch keinen anderen zu." aka don't to stuff to other people that you don't want other people do to you either.
Lisa was preventing normal people to eat meat. Just imagine normal would try to prevent vegans from eating fruits and vegetables? Lisa was a cunt for not tolerating other people, while blaming other of being intolerant towards her. It's basically what you do to me right now. You accuse me of what you are doing to me.
Kids have to learn that reality is not going to pander towards them as they grow up, otherwise they will become disfunctional adults.

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Lisa's a little bitch

Lisa. This episode, even as a child back when it first aired, is what cemented to me that Lisa was the worst character of the bunch and taught me about people imposing their beliefs on other people is wrong.

Mr Burns

Except Homer was forcing his dick, I mean, ideology on Lisa the whole time. Sure, Lisa was being overbearing. Homer was also being a completely shit parent, but the model of the show (at least at this early stage) had Homer only learning lessons that allowed the marriage to continue.

Best Lisa.

Don't even @ at me

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