Aside from the virus

Aside from the virus
What went wrong?

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The virus

It wasn't as good as based Sonic the Hedgehog #1 animated film of 2020 (But not highest grossing because people actually went to see a Bad Boys sequel apparently.)

Boring as fuck
literally no memorable dialogue, scenes or characters
In a year you will struggle to remember any part of this film.

Pixar fatigue. Other contributory factors like the pointless pandering that somehow annoyed people on both political spectrums, and the lackluster designs also had an impact, but fatigue is the big one. Pixar movies are not guaranteed events anymore, and this film was a fairly average entry for them.
After Spiderverse, they need to be more adventurous in both visuals and sound. Otherwise they'd just be Illumination, and those guys do it for 1/3 of the budget.

There was zero appeal or pull to this movie. It looked boring as all fuck.

Might've been intentional but the "mundane magical world" thing seemed pretty bland. Pixar movies are usually about exploring fantastic places(or a fantastic spin on regular places), this just felt like a coming-of-age 80s movie made 2 decades late.

I'm not entirely sure at this point, I think it's probably because of the virus happening. I just recently watched the movie and thought it was pretty good, although it may not really match up to Pixar's very best but still better than the majority of the CGI films.

While the setting isn't the film's strong point, but I think it's likely because they made it too "american" rather than being actually inspired by European fantasy and sticking it to it, with a inspired "evolved" modern look to it. So the whole film is just basically some weird hodgepodge of America with European settings tacked on with no consistency. Although, I did find the addition of DnD elements into the movie kinda pretty neat since it added bit more of a modern flair to the movie itself.

I did like the film's messages. I thought the idea of "acknowledging of the person who helped and supported you whilst growing up, instead of trying to glorifying the dead" was a nice idea since it did really highlight how important the two brothers' relationship was, especially without their father around to support them. So it was kinda nice to see the older brother act like a father figure to the younger brother, and then seeing the younger brother acknowledging it later on in the film. I did also like that there was some message in the film about keeping your traditional ways and culture, whilst trying to preserve it in the modern age where anything old was dropped in favor for something "better" as highlighted in the very beginning of the movie.

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I mean, it was your standard pixar film with a decided aim towards more young adults/college crowd.
They already limited their audience by focusing on making it about highschool seniors with a fucked up family dynamic.
I personally enjoyed the film, but combine that and the fact that it didn't actually have a full theater run, it really didn't have a chance to recoup its budget and most certainly not in the "print money or die" numbers Disney seems to want its films to do these days.
on top of the only people that care about box office returns are jews and Zig Forums autists.

What marketing I saw wasn't that great. I think I saw like one trailer run on TV that actually explained the plot instead of repeating the same 3 jokes about the one brother being a dumbass.

The ads were fucking atrocious

It was very mediocre. There was a better movie in there somewhere, but even the trailers looked boring.

Casting that faggot Tom Holland to cast in their shitty movie.

Like a very stupid child touching a hot stove more than once.

Some studios are still learning that not everyone wants to watch ugly characters. It worked once for the rat chef movie and that was only because it had fat comedian man and hot french bitch to make up for it.

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That shit's ugly

I don't even like the movie and it was 100% the virus.

Don't even start with the success = quality meme when the fucking terrible Lion King remake is the highest grossing animated film of all time.

Not enough of Mom's fat juicy elven booty.

It just wasn't memorable. I honestly can't remember any name so Gabe (skinny) and Greg (fat) will be my stand in names.
The biggest main issue this movie has is that we don't know anything about Gabe other that he is a loser. We don't know what he likes, why he wants to be like his dad, or why he even dislikes his brother in the beginning. Yeah, Greg is embarrassing, but we only saw that one instance when Gabe was inviting those kids to his birthday party, even then it didn't seem like such a big deal. Siblings are always embarrassing the other.
Second issue is why is he a loser? It's never explained. Why would seeing his dad or even being like him help him not be a loser. Even shy kids can make friends. It's not like the other students teased or bullied him, besides the orc.
I honestly thought the mom was going to dump the horse man and get with the black chimera, i wouldn't expect less of current year Disney.

Not enough Milf yoga

It's not though. It was tracking for a terrible opening long before the virus


This. Also the ending and set up wasn't necessary. Its actually odd to say this but the rip off actually did it better by adding a villain to the fantasy aspect.

Instead its just the quest leads up to an old curse where there suddenly IS a villain. Almost like they followed the same logic they had from Good Dinosaur but tried to fix the mistakes they had from that.

It looked like a forgettable dreamworks movie.

Wait a minute.

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>Someone else thought the crappy knockoff was better and more memorable than the real film
..Weird, I thought that too. I barely remember any of the official movie.

It was a fun premise watered down my milk toast world building, and the whole thing hardly felt like Pixar at all. If you took the Pixar label off and told me it was just vanilla Disney, I’d never think twice about it.

Putting a lesbian character in was stupid when China hates that shit

Putting a lesbian character in that was literally in one scene with like 2 lines just pissed off the leftists, who don't have kids anyway, but also pissed off conservatives (who DO have kids) and thus made it appeal to no one.

Gay representation in films basically has to be made with "this movie exists primarily as an artpiece/niche for 37yo weirdos who like Steven Universe and will not be a blockbuster" because Mormons aren't taking their 7 kids to see your gay movie and neither are Chinese Communists.

>rip off

Tell me more

Ever since pixar was bought out by disney they haven't really kept up the same quality, and disney only bought them because they have a bad habit of buying out studios that work for them so they can use up that studio's branding until people realize its not the same studio it used to be. That and pixar lost a nice chunk of actually creative team leads and has been coasting off their formula for a while now.

It would probably have fared better if it came out before stuff like Bright. The "real world but fantasy pasted on top of it" is not a novel aesthetic anymore.

white male lead

>I want to meet my dad
>Here's a thing to get you to meet my dad
>Oh no it doesn't work
>We need to Macguffin so I can meet my dad
>Antics and music
>I don't need to meet my dad, it was the dad's we make along the way
This movie's message is awful. The brother is an idiot but "he was my dad the whole time!" Like why can't they both just see their dad, it's pointless.

A boring quest. Unacceptable.

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