ITT: Post shows you like, but everyone else dismisses/ hates. Doesn't has to be recent

ITT: Post shows you like, but everyone else dismisses/ hates. Doesn't has to be recent.
Also if you're gonna try to derail, make it funny.

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Bump for interest.
If nobody cares, cool by me.

More like everyone hated the pilot of SCI because it was legit awful. The actual show though is pretty watchable. Has that old AT style of atmosphere I really like.

This show is hilarious and more entertaining than most of the Nicktoons. Better than boring Jimmy Neutron, Doug, Angry Beavers, Rocko, Teenage Robot, etc.

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The show is pretty good. Has some interesting lore and background themes.

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it's mostly from the tabletop gamers who "it doesn't work that way/not accurate enough" and j"apanese mechs only" from /m/ who hate it though.

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This was one of worst cartoons I've ever seen, sorry. It was like ripoff Adventure Time and weird pedo vibes. The baby episode was straight up weird and uncomfortable and made me stop watching. CN puts out too much crap nowadays.

>pedo vibes
Can you go be stupid somewhere else. You already got told off last time you wrote this trite.

Barnyard us seriously one of the best Nicktoons next to Spongebob and Avatar. Every episode is just hysterical. The writers had fun on that one and you can tell they knew what they were doing. They had a lot of Looney Tunes and Animaniacs writers attached too if I remember correctly.

You must be referring to another user because this is the first time I've ever written about the show on here.

You can also go fuck and eat your shitty 2deep4u AT ripoff you nunigger

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Retards like are ruining this board

You complaining about retards ruining the board is ruining the board fag. This site has been that way since the beginning. You're just mad I don't like your gay little show.

>You can also go fuck and eat your shitty 2deep4u AT ripoff you nunigger
Today‘s the day that Summer Camp Island caused a retard to have an aneurysm


At least before it aired, everyone seemed to hate it.

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>Oh no two posts said I‘m a retard because I'm acting like one, surely I can't be the problem here
>It must be a samefag, no way would two people would think my garbage take is bad

>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee like my show

Based retard.

And where exactly did I tell you to "like my show". I said you're stupid for saying it has "pedo vibes" (when it clearly doesn't and you're just slandering it).

It's freaky dude, I'm just gonna leave it at that. The show has a weird ass atmosphere that at times gives it those vibes. The creator is also weird. I don't like it. The art is ugly, the jokes miss, the plot is weird. All of the new CN shows past O.K. KO are trash, and even KO wasn't that good.

You also can't slander something that no one but like 10 people like lmao. Again, you are mad as to why I don't like your show. I told you. It's shit made for people in art college who have weird fetishes and there ain't no way around that. It's baked into the shows DNA.

I'm currently most of the way through season two, and I have mixed feelings about it. Oscar and Hedgehog are the worst part of the show, and they're the main characters, so that's unfortunate. Susie's pretty great and the other witches, Max has a cool design at least, the shy panda boy is cute, etc., but Oscar is a wimp, and Hedgehog's the stock overachieving girl we've seen a gorillion times before. I'd rather it just be an anthology series following the camp counselors around.

I, too, got the pedo vibes but mostly from the pilot. The actual show seems pretty cool

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>This site has been that way since the beginning.

Retarded? I mean you're not wrong.

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Not him but weak comeback


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When I said if you're going to try and derail to try and make it funny, I meant it.