What's their endgame?

What's their endgame?

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Hate views, though I still see no reason to get this service. Why pay 20 a month for something I can’t watch on my tv through my PS4?

i don't know, but they seem to have more time shitting on a movement that'll never achieve it's goals than fixing their shit movies like Birds of Prey

does every show need to literally address its audience these days? can we just have an actual fucking show please.

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To post at least several Ben Garrison threads on Zig Forums every day

Smoking weed and having a good time.

Sounds comfy

whats this from?

To hatewatch the whole thing then jerk off

whatever it was they didn't achieve their goal

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Harley Quinn

Being right? Acknowledging that cinematic DCU and the Star Wars sequels were objectively shit? Being hated because it's illegal on the Internet to hate Justice League or Rian Johnson?

I dunno. Seems like two normal dudes to me.

Making people who made it wonder why no one was outraged and had the opposite effect, I guess.

>hee hee icky bois
I will never be convinced the people who work in this industry have ever spoken or been in the same room as a normal person in their entire lives.

like 4channelers they live on internet
unlike 4channelers they also live in luxury and guarded societies

Making this canon again.

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See, this was dumb because what the #ReleaseThe SnyderCut autists most want is to be acknowledged. Every time someone from DC or WB pay attention to their existence or complaints they feel they're one step closer to get their fabled cut. So this was a major victory in their eyes and they're praising the show for it.

getting canceled by the end of this season

>haha i made you look stupid i win
And then if you react to it you got epic trolled for the win!!

>does every show need to literally address its audience these days?
They always did.
Remember how the Simpsons and Animaniacs liked to burn their critics?

I remember those but those were funny. Somehow these aren't as funny for some reason.

Because you are the one being mocked.

Yeah but I like the show. I did think those "jokes" that one user post were cringe but seems rude to relate me to think harley quinn is a Mary sue.

>seems rude

Being a less funny, less witty version of 21 and 24

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Well fuck you too faggot

Animaniacs mocked the same target audience as Teen Titans Go with the Get a Life Foundation skit, and it’s still 100x funnier

>guy that wants a DC product(Snyder Cut) is awful
>guy that hates a Disney movie(TLJ) is awful
Top fucking kek. Good job.

to own the nazi manchildren

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Snyderfags can dish it out but they really can't take it, huh. Could you be any more thin-skinned?

no more like
>white man bad
>black man good

Makes her character infinitely less interesting. Great job.

I miss 21, bros...

Isnt it 10 and also the comics backlog is pretty serviceable

Be funny two see the two guys in OP in a later episode, working as henchmen.

Who are you talking too?

I miss 24, bros...

The guy that hates a Disney movie is the more rational one though. And the one that wants the DC product is part of a movement that continually harasses DC for a product DC doesn't want to make because a persistent group of fans is not satisfied with the one that was released.

you're over thinking it, he was more rational because he's black. The writers are afraid to portray black people as anything but rational because muh racisism