What are some examples of toxic masculinity in comics?

what are some examples of toxic masculinity in comics?

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>implying there arent plenty of retarded thots that jump at the chance to be whores for status/money
playboy mansion is a result of toxic femininity.

Ah the good old days

Deadpool is meant to be an obnoxious unlikable ass, that is the joke.

They're mindless clones actually

A harem of maids is my dream since I was little. Although I would dress them better.

Bullshit, feminists don't look like this at all.

any other examples of clones being treated like this? concept gets me hot for some reason, i should not be discovering new fetishes at 24 goddamnit

Never a bad time to find a new fetish user

The way liberals destroyed America in the 60s and 80s was by breaking up the family.

Not your image, that's for sure.

Protip: look up what something means before you try to discuss it.

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I dunno, user, viewing women as mindless pleasure slaves seems pretty toxic to me.

"Toxic" does not automatically equal "toxic masculinity". Again, look it up if you don't understand it.

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Toxic masculinity doesn not exist. Masculinity is positive by definition. There are masculine men which possess other negative traits, that is all.

I'll take three!

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I would argue masculinity in itself is not toxic, but can be. Most people who display what people call "toxic masculine" traits are people who are not actually masculine but trying really hard to have cartoonish masculine traits which generally includes putting themselves on a pedestal above others/trying to put other people beneath them, it's an inferiority complex and how masculinity is worked into that is that these people have a toxic idea of what masculinity actually is



clones don't have rights.

>A social science term that describes narrow repressive type of ideas about the male gender role, that defines masculinity as exaggerated masculine traits like being violent, unemotional, sexually aggressive, and so forth. Also suggests that men who act too emotional or maybe aren’t violent enough or don’t do all of the things that “real men” do, can get their “man card” taken away.

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>a social science term
Whew, thank goodness. Now we know it isn't real.

Nah it's real, and anybody who exhibits such behavior is generally a fake alpha, not a real alpha.

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No, it isn't. It's an invented phrase by nobodies who think men are inherently evil. The social sciences are laughably stupid, moreso now than they ever were. Striving to be masculine is by definition a good thing. It should be encouraged.

OwO What's this?

When you delve deeper into social "science" you realize its basically the academic version of shitposting against things they don't like.
Chad Thundercock makes you feel like a little bitch, and if you feel like if he didn't exist you totally would've had your big tiddie nerd waifu?
Fuck it, he's now a victim of "toxic masculinity" and a beta cuck.
Gays make you feel uncomfortable? Its a mental illness, and now you can lock up all the nasty gays and subject them to electroshock until they can't suck dick anymore.
Rinse and repeat.
I'm not saying there's brainlets that don't take things too far in trying to live up to some strawmen of a person they believe they need to be, but acting like its a cultural problem instead of an individual one is just some psychologist without any real work to do inventing bullshit so he can justify his pension.

>let's invent a new word salad term for bad traits recognized for centuries because we need to justify our grant
Social science isn't.

Is it toxic to want a cute wife to impregnate protect and love?

Dawn. This whole book is quite trippy, but I'd say it's well worth a read. The art is gorgeous, and there are quite afew asides on the mature of man, and what is is to be a man. And a few displays on the nature of women as well.

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Yes, user. Wanting to impregnate and care for a woman makes you a literal Nazi in 2020. How dare you assume her gender.

You literally just described what toxic masculinity is, dumbass. So, so close to the point and still missing it.

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No, that was capitalism and the expectation that everyone land a full time job.

Then wages stopped increasing and families stopped forming cuz there isn't enough financial security for a family to be worthwhile.

Yes, because not cute ones are envy, and as a result invent feminism.

So toxic masculinity is a meaningless phrase, then.You agree.

I don't care about social science, I just know people in which masculinity as a concept is a toxic influence on their behavior and thus they are toxic to other people.

Toxic masculinity affects beta males, like I said. Alpha males who were always alpha males protect, they don't abuse. Damaged betas trying to establish themselves as alphas become abusers who use their perceived idea of "masculinity" as a means to do so, because they don't feel like "real men" and think abusing others is the only way they can become one.

>implying you flaky liberal arts major ever made a solid definition of toxic masculinity
> how is a static piece of art media an example of some bullshit made up abstract behavior

>muh capitalism
There were more families having more children across all races and social strata during the fucking Great Depression. Marx was wrong about economies influencing culture.

Financial security has nothing to do with a family being worthwhile. That's cope from broken people.


lol women

Beta/Alpha males don't exist.
All of that beta/alpha shit was from observation of wolves in captivity, not a natural environment and it was walked back.