What a lame team

What a lame team

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Avengers was always kind of lame before 2012, it was a dumping ground for characters who couldn't sell on their own. Justice Lwague eventually copied that approach and it became a stain on storylines like Death of Superman. Fuckin literally whos everywhere

Hulk and Thor alone could beat the living fuck out of almost everyone in the Marvel Universe and Iron Man and Ant Man are two of the smartest heroes. What's lame about them?

Nice suit, Tony

said everyone ever until New Avengers

new avengers was shit and I don't think any of the new members are still on the team even

Thor is the only one who looks cool
>Tin Man
>Two dorky midgets who can't compete with Spider-Man as cool bug themed super heroes

What a lame universe. I don’t get anyone’s desire to read marvel in general.

Spider-Man, X-Men, and F4 are all more interesting. So are a lot of the more slightly fringe characters like Ghost Rider, Punisher, Daredevil, Moon Knight, etc.

Wtf I thought Zig Forums loves camp???

why did they need to join forces to defeat loki


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Is that like a JLA rip-off or something

Did Captain America, Iron Man and Thor really count for nothing prior to the MCU?

At the time Avengers were created, Thor was a pretty awful book, Ant-Man was fucking Ant-Man, Iron Man was just starting to become half decent, Captain America was a just an experimental revival with no book of his own, and Hulk was canceled.

It's kind of interesting seeing the Guardians together in their old school designs, more or less(Drax and Groot are off)

They didn't, Thor fucks off on his own to fight Loki while the rest get their asses kicked by the Hulk. It's basically a Thor story featuring Hulk beating up some other faggots as a B-plot.

Captain America wasn't part of the original Avengers team


anyone who played the Marvel arcade games knew/cared about them, otherwise they were c-list at best
as a kid I preferred Best Coast Avengers

I really meant it in response to the more general statments they were saying about the team

>said everyone ever until New Avengers

>Avengers was always kind of lame before 2012

Not just their first appearance roster.

The Avengers were always just a pale imitation of the Justice League.

As a kid I loved Cap because my dad had the War and Remembrance book In addition to my usual Patriotism.
But the rest were pretty b-teir and tended to share books with each other.

Two of them got their own cartoons and were featured prominently in videogames, admittedly Thor was less popular but still relevant enough for a bunch of cameos.
But zoomers who have no brain to inform themselves will tell you differently and shill the Mouse.

Bendis go back to your DC hole

Lmao Cap literally shared a book with Iron Man for 50 issues

Tbf I think it was because DC owned the printers and limited other publishers

But Captain America never got any cartoons outside of the 60s Marvel Superheroes lineup, and Iron Man and Thor had their cartoons as part of this as well. People always make pre-MCU Iron Man out to be this horribly unpopular D-lister, yet he was the only one out of the three to get a cartoon after Marvel Superheroes.

Iron Man wasn't all that popular...Spider-Man and X-Men were hugely popular, so they threw anything at the wall.

Iron Man having a 90's cartoon was not because "wow Iron Man comic sales are really up, let's make a cartoon to capitalize" it was "wow Spider-Man and X-Men are crazy popular, who else can we make money off?" and it didn't really work, neither did Silver Surfer.

Lol no

The only characters who didn't share a book with someone back in the 60s was Thor, F4, and Spider-Man. Tales of Suspense was Iron Man and Cap. Tales to Astonish was Ant-Man, Wasp, Namor, and even Hulk. Strange Tales was Dr Strange, Human Torch, The Thing, and Nick Fury/SHIELD. Thor had Journey into Mystery for himself.

Also Daredevil


Kill yourself DCuck

Justice League sucks ass bro.
Now they are even less famous than ant man

Kill yourself Marvelcuck