The only thing this show will be remembered for is the synder cut of justice league and when they accidentally put an...

The only thing this show will be remembered for is the synder cut of justice league and when they accidentally put an anti-semetic meme into the first episode.

Attached: 1578102829391.jpg (1080x1600, 266.42K)

wtf is "snyder cut"

And when Clayface got Gotham levelled because he could not shut his mouth for the sake of an unfunny joke

The movie Justice League was not entirely directed by Snyder, because his daughter an hero'd and he could not do the job anymore (and I think we will agree on not blaming him for that). The Snyder Cut should be the Snyder verison of the movie

>put an anti-semetic meme into the first episode.
What was it?

I'll remember "hello fellow whites" and that's it.

no it's not you autistic piece of trash shut the fuck up and inject your bleach

Making co seeth

It will be remembered for being good

Whatever you say, salty bitch.

>shut the fuck up and inject your bleach

Attached: Harley.Quinn.S02E02.Riddle.U.720p.DCU.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H264-NTb.mkv_snapshot_16.12_[2020.04.17_17.27.04].jpg (1920x1080, 97.69K)

>I think we will agree on not blaming him for that
I dunno, I think if Snyder was my dad I'd off myself

So this is totally how Harley earned her degree in this show, right?

Attached: Harley got an A in sex ed.jpg (1074x1650, 453.16K)

>I dunno, I think if Snyder was my dad I'd off myself
Listen, you can hate him as director how much you want.
But don't try to say his way of making movies is somehow related to his parental skills.
From what we saw he was a good fathee and it wasn't his fault

I think these days they say it was just a misunderstanding and she actually is a genius and got that degree al by herself. Totally ruins part of the charm of her to be honest, I like that she's a energetic, funny, immoral, head-over-heels in love bimbo.

t.neckbeard who got triggered that they made fun of you

Why do you hate women?

Mediocre is what you're looking for buddy

Aren't I being more accepting when I say I like "The Dumb immoral sluty girl"? I just think she's more interesting than the "The hidden-genius immoral sluty girl".

Explain to me how is it possible to get a PhD by sleeping with a professor.

IIRC she was able to put her cursus to use against someone in some episode so show Harley Quinn's Harley is probably not as inept as BATS Harley.

It's capeshit i ain't gonna explain shit.

>Trade Sex for Good Grades
>Pass Course
This is a thing that actually happens user, it's not an unbelievable thing. I'm having trouble understanding why you don't understand this user.

Education in america has really gone to shit, huh?

user, do you think that a thesis is reviewed by one professor with whom you can simply sleep with?

It's definitely telling that the writer who was pushing that had no idea how college works. In addition to being sexist.

>user, do you think unreal things in comics?
It's at this part I have to remind you it's a comic and not everything is 1:1 with life. It's an exaggeration. Also, I'm sure that one slept with professor can still boost your mark regardless.

Why are we even arguing this point? Are you trying to convince me that Harley Quinn could have never been dumb?

8.4 on IMDb

>In addition to being sexist
What's sexist about it? Are you saying that there aren't women out there who sling their pussy around for favours? Or is it we're just not allowed to talk about it? Harley was still a likeable character regardless, are we supposed to accept sluts or not user?

And I'm pretty sure that comic was written by Paul Dini, her co-creator.

>It's at this part I have to remind you it's a comic and not everything is 1:1 with life
Ah, so in the DC Universe, the process to review a thesis an earn a doctorate degree is completely different from the one in real life, and the only reason for it to be different is that it allows Harley Quinn to have a phD without deserving it?

Are you sure you're not sexist?

Yes, it is sexist to just insinuate that Harley couldn't possibly be an actual psychologist. That the only way an attractive, blonde bombshell got her job is by sleeping her way to the top. That's fucking horrible.

>What's sexist about it?
Woman has to sleep her way to a Ph.D compounded by the fact that these male writers don't even know how postgraduate education works.

>what's sexist about singling out a women to be a fraud who fucked her way to a doctorate?