ITT: Characters hated by the fanbase despite doing nothing wrong

ITT: Characters hated by the fanbase despite doing nothing wrong

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Her existence is wrong.
But shes just more shit frosting on top of the shit cake.

Every time you make a homestuck thread, tiny vriska gets molested

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She was the original, but she doesn't seem to come out on top in Batgirl threads. Too many Oracle fangirls I guess.

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There are valid reasons to hate a character other than them actually doing something "wrong".

Making you're character a human/orc/dreanai shaman mage paladin who is the son of perhaps the greatest magic user to ever exist and wields perhaps the strongest staff to ever exist which gives him "power ending" and he's also part of an ancient prophecy... well that's just stupid.

>"As the son of the human Medivh and the half-orc, half-draenei Garona Halforcen, Med'an is half-human, quarter-draenei, and quarter-orc. His unusual parentage and training has given him the unique ability to interweave shamanic magic with the arcane and divine. This gift, however, has also drawn him into conflict with cultists who believe he is the subject of an ancient prophecy and dark entities who would make his power their own."
(Warcraft comics if you don't know)

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Zig Forums’s always been Casslands. Babsgirl has her fans though. The argument threads over whether she should be in the chair or not go on for days.

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Homestuck was always garbage outside of Spades Slick.

Jerry from R&M is the posterboy for arbitrarily "in the wrong" characters. Hes the least sociopathic of the main characters but fans still hate him because thats what the writers tell them to do. Not even South Park fans are as easily manipulated.

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the newest update of hs2 is such a fucking travesty. 35 year old rose cheating on her wife with futa dog dick jade to have a secret child named "yiffany longstocking"

No one hates her.
They hate everything that led up to her.

The question is why they felt the need to have her exist in the first place

vriska deserves nothing but bad

But she literally did everything wrong.

Why do you care about a dead series?

that's not the newest update
this is

She is going to be the mary sue to defeat Ult!Dirk.
That's why this update is named "A Threat, Sensed."

Some people get a sick fascination from watching corpses decay.

Homestuck 2 is like schrodinger's cat. It's canon when people complain about things the writer likes but isn't canon when people dislike the direction of the story.

When Will This Shitshow End

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when john mating-presses kanaya and knocks her up in front of her wife, daughter, and jade.

i haven't read Homestuck^2 or the epilogue since I finished. I'm just reading the dumb act:omega fanfic instead.

oh god youre right Yiffy is gonna be a turbo mary sue
we are fucked
just royally fucked

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do you ever think that the defilement of homestuck might actually have said something interesting about media and canon and all that pretentious bullshit, but that the idea is undermined by the people who had it?

imagine the exact same HS2 with the exact same words, but those words were written by different people for different reasons.

Post it.

The whole being bad on purpose gimmick is only good in a short burst, but in Homestuck theres never any pay off and it last too long that it ends up being legit bad in the end.

Interesting. That convo of Dirk and Hussie is very reminiscent to Caliborn, especially when Dirk starts denying it

What was the point of the dozens of fetish scenes?

Pfft idk the writers are all creeps but ironically act like theyre righteous gays or some shit.

Weak bait