
i wish he still makes toons and porn bros
why is he tweeting about politics on twitter now
how did it all become like this

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Same reason Hollywood went to shit: the result of the 2016 general election broke people's brains.

The worst Democratic candidate in history losing against the worst Republican candidate in the history shouldn't had been that traumatic.

To be fair, it's less "now." He stopped drawing comics and became an opinionated social media guy years and years ago.

It is when the worst Republican candidate ended up being the worst President in decades.

I think he gave up on making his work into something profitable and iconic. missdynamite was his life project but it definitely didnt' go as far as he dreamed. Politics is where most people bitter about their life go.

Seriously though, he became like this before 2016. You probably just didn't notice until 2016 did the same thing to a lot of other peoples' brains. Also, Sirkowski isn't from the US, he's a French Canadian.

If you could blame a specific election/political event then maybe you could blame it on crackhead Doug Ford getting away with all his crimes and then getting elected.

>how did it all become like this
It started with him being 25 years old and using a bike as his primary means of transportation while living with his mom and little sister.
This, of course, was 20 years ago.
Yes, Sebastien Frechette is that old now.

That's it? "worst out of 4 guys" is enough to make your life crumble? How old are you? Were you even old enough to vote in 2016?

yeah ok retard, you should have tried being a liberal during the W years.
Cry all you want about Trump we've had zero new wars at least.

Twitter has rotted everyone's brain. They're just addicted to outrage now and hoping for the worst to validate the outrage.

I haven't actively followed him, and haven't read his twitter posts. But I like his art and he was one of the first artists that I stumbled upon when I started to visit Newgrounds over fifteen years ago or something. Does he have any art site or something nowadays?

Sad that it came to this, he was truly ahead of his time. Thicc Waifus and animating his own characters, if he started in 2014 he’d be making thousands on Patreon

Moar pls

The problem was that now every group thinks their candidate was right.
Like "my parties candidate is horrible, but yours is much worse"

There needs to more of these types of images. They're very cute

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bad influence rebel teen lesbians are the best kind of lesbians.

For me, the worst president is a tie between Bush and Obama

He's always been an outspoken shitlib fedora-tipper. He used to draw atheism comics and promised to draw lesbian porn of these two if Obama won. You probably didn't see it because it was all on his personal site.


Can people like you actually point out why Trump is worse than Bush or Clinton?

Sirkowski always was super political. Like holy shit, he once drew a miss dynamite porn comic as a bribe for people to vote for Obama.

What the fuck

He must feel like a real idiot when Obama turned out to be black bush.

Can you explain what makes Clinton so bad that he's who you jump to when thinking of Trump? Clinton actually ended his term with an improved economy and never had a pandemic where he cheered on himself for letting 60,000 Americans die.

>yeah ok retard, you should have tried being a liberal during the W years.
Today is no different than the bush years. Liberals non stop whining and bitching about evul repbwican president on a daily basis on every single media outlet.

Clinton's reforms for Telecommuncations lead to the big tech businesses we have effectively controlling all forms of infomation.

His loan framework reforms are directly the cause of the 2007-2008 financial collapse.

He also bombed the fuck out of the Balkans and set the region back another 20 years.

>Improved Economy

Which we now know was built entirely on a bubble that lead to the 2007 crash.

Meanwhile his social reforms are the reason black people are stuck shitting out babies to try and earn enough money to live.

He can't hold a candle to Dubya Bush. US hasn't been the victim of an easily preventable terrorist attack, he hasn't invaded a single foreign country, he didn't sign the PATRIOT Act, he hasn't introduced the concept of "free speech zones", he hasn't wrecked the economy.

His biggest failure is being obnoxious, and not being dictatorial enough during the coronavirus outbreak, after 4 years of us being warned he'd go full fascist at first opportunity.

Didn't Clinton's welfare reforms remove the loophole where poor people get loads of extra welfare money every time a single mother shits out another unwanted child they won't bother to raise?

Nope. on the contrary. Clinton's reforms made welfre entirely about how many children you have.

Sauce plz? Cause that's the exact opposite of what I remember, but it's also been over two decades.

Clinton practically paved the way for the Ghettos to be filled with babymommas.

It's why he also increased severity of drug crimes.