Let's settle this right now, Zig Forums. Which is the best alien?


Attached: Tetramand.jpg (600x600, 36.97K)

>no Gwen option


Attached: Lucy_Lenopan_Form.png (271x597, 116.54K)

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Yknow ghost freak would have been up top if he wasn't a traitorous cunt

The one with the most dicks of course

> Yknow alien would've been good if he wasn't bad


what if upgrade went in to her vibrator

She's too pure and young to own one

If he has 4 arms, does that also mean he has 4...?

nigga do you have two cocks

The best alien is Human, and all other aliens must be purged.

Attached: 3350872a794140.jpg (800x542, 75.72K)

Yeah still kicks ass but you can't use him in the long game

What's the sauce for the image
inb4 reverse image search theres no matches

what a shitty pool, not even half of the aliens are there

>Ben 10

Attached: B4EC347B-1307-4844-AF50-175F3D5B827E.jpg (670x1024, 149.1K)

90% of porn with Ben is him as a human.

Was waiting on ya Hal

He doesn't have 4 legs or 4 heads.

Excellent taste.

Attached: 3d60e1ebff388352ff30ac153213d7c8--ben--cartoon-network.jpg (736x938, 141.26K)

Why is he naked?

>Upgrade is on top
So, Zig Forums actually has a good taste
Hal is actually the weakest alien Ben can transform into

Attached: unnamed.png (296x431, 80.33K)

low key greymatter is the secret most OP ayy. smartest living species with non-proportional brain sizes. my headcannon is that galvan brains use biological quantem computing for their brains instead of/conjunction with neuron networks. galvans fucking INVENTED the omnitrix AND upgrade's ENTIRE SPECIES of mechanomorphs.

How does brainstorm's intelelct measure up to these ayys?

brainstorm's species is likely the most intelligent normal brain-ed species in the universe. because they are basically giant brains in a crab shell. but like I said galvans are so tiny they have to be using quantum computing in their brains its the only thing that makes sense when they can rival BIG BRAIN crabby boys in ability to watch rick and morty.

brainstorm has an iq of 10^30, and hes the second most intelligent species in the galaxy
so pretty well I'd imagine

Grey Matter

I think you know why he's naked

Just the basic gray alien, no controversy nor misunderstanding of what it is.

He could be wearing shorts or boxers for all we know.