God I miss Frankie

God I miss Frankie.

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I mean she’s hot I guess but..

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Is she your sister?

>trapped in quarantine with a giga thirst
>entered this thread

why live?

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She was better as a robot.

Attached: RoboFrankie.png (721x688, 999.71K)

how old is she?

early 20s


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I dunno, tomboys and redheads are a real turn of for me

She's 35

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Welp, might as well go back to the bathroom..

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How come Frankarella Psychadella gets no love? Nobody appreciates raygun gothic anymore.

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Attached: Frankie storm.webm (640x480, 2.28M)

Attached: Frankie storm2.webm (640x480, 2.43M)

Attached: Frankie storm3.webm (640x480, 2.48M)


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Should i read moon knight

Yeah, it’s a good read. As a Moon Knight fan, I’d recommend Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz’s run along with the ANAD run of Moon Knight.

you guys help me by making me feel less alone..

Now she'd be 30-something though
>teenage big sis vibes AND milf mummy vibes at the same time
Birthday cakes are perfection

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Frankie was top tier. I had a huge crush on her when I was a kid.

>Shota being hugged by young red head.

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>ywn suck mac's pp

>tfw no gluttonous older girl for your shota self to indulge and cuddle

She was born in '84, so she'd be 35-36 now

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