Why are mothers with bottom heavy body types a common thing in cartoons?

Why are mothers with bottom heavy body types a common thing in cartoons?

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this ep made me feel things as a kid

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Who knows...

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It's a sinister Hollywood plot to turn our young boys heterosexual

Censors hate tiddies

It's to denote age. Women typically gain weight in their hips and thighs as they age if they dont do anything to stop it. It's the female equivalent of the dad belly.

Johnny's mom is one that comes to mind. They slimmed her down in seasons 2-3 though.

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Animators are very lonely people.

Good question

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I blame this man.

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Large hips are simple signifiers of motherhood, and while not all mothers have large hips, most people will see this shape and understand what the animators are trying to show. Animation is in large part about trying to use design to explain as much about a character as possible with as little exposition as possible.

I have a theory that might explain this in another way. I'm not 100% sure of this, so bear with me. Since most cartoons are aimed at small children, the design caters to their perspective, literally. Little kids see grownups from waist level, and since young children hover mostly around their mothers, their view of their mothers focuses on the two parts they see closest. Children imagine mothers as having large waists, since kids usually walk besides their mothers, and as having a large head, since that is their perspective while being carried. This view of our mothers usually changes as we grow older, but the image is carried with us to adulthood subconsciously.

God I wish this could have been Lois's default body type

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I am Cooming

Does Genndy have children? If not, missed opportunity on fulfilling his ideal mom body.

Inner Workings is Disney Animation, not Pixar. Fun Fact: She's a caricature of the director's girlfriend.

It was in the original Life of Larry short if I recall correctly

Also amerifats, bazilians, middle easterns/jews find fatness appealing and normal.

Then there's another American stereotype. Bulky man and stick woman, but often times those don't have children.
Also the overachiever marrying the moron.(Futurama, Simpsons and Dan Vs)
Or two morons/Married with Children.
Or sub male with angry female, but both dumb(Cramp Twins, South Park Kyle's parents)
Or the overly caring parent with the overly careless parent.

Because giving a woman wide hips denotes their age and sexuality. Ironically these body types are way more attractive than just giving them huge tits.

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Liking women with more curves than a little boy is a negative now? Ever consider the possibility that you're a homosexual?

Which one?


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Dexters mom was thicker than a bowl of oatmeal

This lady is the only reason anyone remembers or even talks about Robotboy.

Who is this?

Queen Evil from Miss Melee.

For anal.
