Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season 7 Episode 11 “Shattered”

Was this the most kino episode of the Clone Wars to ever exist? It’s unironically kino, not even using that word in its meme sense.

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>Order 66 is to kill all jedi
>even the ones that aren't Jedi
>If you don't you will be executed
How will either of them get out of this jam?

I'm not entirely sure if it me being out of touch but this episode was a gigantic letdown compared to the quality of the preceeding episode.
The fact that clones are essentially under mind control really robs this of any kind emotional impact (something that actually happened before in TCW with the brain slugs). People argue that it was necessary to humanize the clones, but I disagree. Order 66 effectively turning them into flesh battle droids actually does the opposite as it robs them of any kind of agency on the matter.

As for Ahsoka, she's so ridiculously powerful that there is no real sense of danger. Her and Maul could probably kill everyone on that ship.It turns an episode that should have been a desperate fight for survival, into something straight out of Star Wars Rebels, complete with messing with stormtroopers and droid shenanigans.

It would seem that Fallen Order remains the only thing under Disney that does its source material justice.

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Its just you being an aspie.

Really fucking good, but because Rebels had already aired, it spoils how everyone turns out.

Now that I've actually seen the episode I did enjoy it. My only gripes are
1. I thought the scene where Ahsoka was attacked and "Anakin's Dark Deeds" was blaring was a little on the nose. A little much.
2. The sudden droid shenanigans in the middle of an implied genocide felt off tonally.

Overall though 9/10, I was very into it.

Oh real mature.
All fair points. But I did think they tried to make the Clones still feel like people instead of mindless Imperial mooks.

>but because Rebels had already aired, it spoils how everyone turns out.
this is my only gripe. The beginning half of the episode was pure kino though...

>consumes star wars content beyond the age of 12
>calls others aspie
Well, I'm aware of that but what's the point if Order 66 turns them into mindless mooks anyway.

this is the main problem with this arc, we would still be on the edge of our seats if we didn't already knew that they all survive, hell imagine if the last episode ended with rex still on the operation and the clones about to enter

Sure, but people are watching Clone Wars before Rebels for the first time on Disney+ so for some it's still a big suprise how this will all turn out

I'm sorry, but you need to cope sweaty

I actually thought last weeks episode was better but this weeks was also very good.

>It would seem that Fallen Order remains the only thing under Disney that does its source material justice.
Rogue One was good though.

>Order 66 effectively turning them into flesh battle droids actually does the opposite as it robs them of any kind of agency on the matter.

I like it as it is. I'd rather them be forced into being meat droids at the last moment rather than always being meat droids because it was how they were raised to be. Their being allowed to be human, to be people to then later be forced to turn on their friends against their will, in my opinion, feels much more tragic because it makes them just as much victims as the Jedi are.

The troopers just following orders blindly is just as stupid. There would be no way that the Jedi wouldn't have found out and you'd have had more clones hesitating/refusing allowing more Jedi to get away.

>consumes star wars content beyond the age of 12
>>calls others aspie
I'm not the one failing to understand simple storytelling concepts and whining about a capable character fighting.

>Well, I'm aware of that but what's the point if Order 66 turns them into mindless mooks anyway
That's the tragedy of it user. They became individuals, but Palpatine stole their agency from them. Also it doesn't erase their personality, it just forces them to comply with Order 66.



Yeah, the way the clones act in TCW can't be reconciled with the way they carried out Order 66 WITHOUT some kind of shenanigans.

Just think Slick is in his Prison Cell laughing at all this shit.

Attached: slick_10.jpg (640x480, 103.34K)

Force Unleashed. But better.

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yup lol

kino. mirrors vader in rogue one

You know based Sam requested that scene. Sam, I know you lurk here. I fucking love you.

We're here discussing a kids show. Have some self-awareness, you little bitch.

>Clone trooper loses his fapping hand

Thats tragic

And Cut is lying in his bed smoking a cigar after plowing his hot Twi’lek waifu

Man, that long stretch without any dialogue and the Bladerunner-eque music sequence when they fly toward the Venator was just so good at setting the tone. You rarely get a chance for atmospheric scenes like this in animated series so I'm really glad they went for it. Reminded me a bit of Gendy's Samurai Jack setup shots. Pure kino in the unioronic sense of the word.

This. I nearly coomed

From 06:05 to 08:15 to be precise. So good.

Yeah it was great. I have a feeling it was supposed to mirror Padme’s Ruminations, since it would chronologically line up

Yeah it was fantastic cinematography. Its why I preferred last week's because that creepiness of no music or anything was throughout and you were on edge knowing order 66 was coming, but not knowing when. When it finally happened, the episode kind of fizzled out a bit. Also that sweet ass version of Anakins betrayal whilst Ahsoka gets ganked by the clones.

Kinda sad that we'll see nothing of Obi-Wan and Anakin in the finale of the show. I know ROTS was their story, but I still wanted to see at least a little bit of them on final episodes of the show they appeared on for so long.

We will probably see Obi Wans holocron message and maybe a tease of Vader. I can't see more than that.

Ahsoka best girl.
So glad she survived
Fuck clones
They aren't people

This guy gets it. The point of the 'inhibitor chip' is that it was a wetware addition that would inhibit the experiences, memories, and emotional resistance that all clones might have when ordered to turn on their Jedi commanders. It wasn't so much an issue of 'it turned them all into droids' - it was a VERY elegant and long sighted addition that Sidious had built in.

At first I was a bit confused that Ahsoka would need to do a linked Force trance to find the thing but then I was reminded that it wasn't metallic at all. It was a wetware organic addition that wouldn't show up on a scanner normally. Then the whole deal made sense once I understood what was up.

I thought the one before it was a better episode. This was still great but it really showed how this is a cut up movie. Just felt like I watched a part of something and not an episode.

I'm just waiting for the arc to be combined with ROTS for a kino viewing.

Can it though? Right now Obi Wan and Yoda are storming the temple. After that that they send the message, Yoda goes to fight Sidious and Obi Wan fights Anakin. There's no room for TCW stuff there.

For the 3rd time in a row.

Ahsoka should go save Anakin from Obiwan and they should rule the galaxy as my wives

No right now Obi Wan and Yoda are fleeing Kashyyk and Utapau. The episodes can be combined with the movie as they overlap. Episode 1 overlaps with the beginning of ROTS as Anakin leaves to rescue the chancelor and this one has scenes directly pulled from the film so they can combine that and Ahsokas chat with Based Windu.