What's your interesting idea for an original villain for Miles, Zig Forums?

What's your interesting idea for an original villain for Miles, Zig Forums?

Attached: Miles_Morales_(Earth-1610)_from_Miles_Morales_Spider-Man_Vol_1_10_001.jpg (1988x3056, 1.44M)

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Leader of the the Brooklyn chapter of the Rivals. Idolizes Kinpin and hope to run Brooklyn like he did Hell's Kitchen.


Ah yes, I'm sure all the gangbangers in Park Slope will be terrified of him as they extract protection money from French bakeries, boutique hot sauce parlors, and the museum endowment fund. Brooklyn is basically Manhattan lite these days user, this sort of story hasn't made sense since the 70's.

Hell's Kitchen isn't a crime ridden mess either IRL, but we are not talking about the real world. We are talking about the Marvel U.

Cutting Room Floor, Miles falls onto him and is never heard from again

They turn him in to a cute girl.

MK rip off Scorpion

Attached: 3105314-scorpion.png (1000x562, 684.72K)

Just some old creepy white gay that keeps trying to touch Miles inappropriately.

I'm just gonna repost some ideas I had in another Miles revamp thread a long ass time ago.

>Anna Maximum
Spunky, slightly ditzy girl with the mentality of a bully and a belief that the world owes her everything she wants who can turn into a 9 foot tall, superstrong, nigh-invincible version of herself (think Sieglinde from Uber without the disintegration rays). Mostly immune to Venom Blast in her powered up form, she has to be worn down with a long period of repeated blasts which have a tendency to ricochet off her, making it a poor tactic with bystanders around.

Thief, saboteur, and spy who can turn his body into a living hologram. In hologram form he's completely intangible and can pass through any opening that allows light through. Hologram form also "jams" Spider-Sense when in proximity.

>Jaala Jennifer Jackson
The Youtube chick who freaked out about Miles being black, turned into an inverted J. Jonah Jameson. One part obnoxious fangirl, one part spin doctor, one part PR bulldog, and one part exploitative hanger-on using Miles to promote herself. She's out to make sure that Miles gets his proper credit as the most important superhero active in NYC, relentlessly harass people who think otherwise, carefully create and manage his brand, and insure that the world knows that he espouses sociocultural views that, amazingly, line up exactly with her own.

>Subject 4451
Nigh feral genetic monstrosity abandoned in the sewers of NYC since childhood. Abandoned following the dissolution of secret human experimentation project, she's a kludge of rodent and human DNA wrapped in long-term child abuse, PTSD, and a biological imperative to kill anything she thinks is a threat. Worst of all, she knows something's wrong with her and desperately wants to be "normal" but can't conceptualize what that actually means. Miles' invisibility is useless against her enhanced senses.

Portia-man. Or machine.

Huh. Have you thought about going pro? Once the whole "snowflake and safe-space" thing blows over, they might need new talent

Have the soul of that girl he let die to save his the champions in his deal with mephisto manifest in some kind of physical way in order to destroy his life. Might be to close tonkindred though depending how that plays out.

I actually thought Ultimatum was a fun idea

this and charisma

>Evil Janitor
After being bitten by a genetically engineered rat a mentally handicapped janitor becomes a super genius over night and begins plotting the revenge of all those who mocked and ridiculed him while he was slow. However, his intelligence only comes in short bursts and he quickly reverts back to being mentally challenged after a period of being an evil super genius.

Yeah, it's inspired by Charlie from Flowers for Algernon if you're wondering.

you mean the Assessor?

Attached: assessor.jpg (832x1280, 235.25K)

A villain that turns people into girls or the villian is a girl version of Miles??

For modern Marvel? I'm afraid only KKKman is acceptable.

Attached: hellsing-1613721.jpg (1200x937, 263.58K)

Brown Recluse. He's basically Miles' evil counterpart. Afro-Latino teenager, bitten by the same spider as Miles (a la Silk), only he used his powers for evil.

A racist fan of Spider-Man who hates seeing a black person ear the costume

Pistol Shrimp. He can generate short range sonoluminescent blasts.

Also spends most of his time indoors shitposting on anonymous imageboards.

Could shorten it to Recluse, and make it so that when he uses his invisibility it doesn't show up on Miles' Spider Sense, nor can he be detected by any means whatsoever (i.e radar or magic bull shit). Make him have some sort of Vendetta against Miles, either personal or because he doesn't think Miles deserves to be THE Spider Man.

and character development

A man-snake who escaped from a freak show. Slither can regenerate his lost limbs with his healing factor by shedding his skin.

It should be a gangster kid who gets tarantula powers and uses them to rob liquor stores and rob drug dealers (so he can use and sell the drugs). He should be a weakling in his gang pre-powers and then rises up to become gang leader post-powers. Basically he'd be spider-man if spidey was a badass cornerboy hood nigga

Hell's Kitchen is rich gay wonderland nowadays too

Wealthy tech-savvy type that builds and wears exosuits that look like bulky-spider anime tanks. You could put the pilot seats on top in a glass dome, boom water droplet hat.

First make Miles not Spider-Man, make him work in the IT dept of Parker industries and have him moonlight as a corporate warrior for PI and allow him to do corporate raider stuff against Roxxon and Oscorp. I would put him in the black shield suit we saw in FFH

And originality

You could say it more short - tachikoma ripoff.

Attached: GITS Tachikoma - Mini-Tank AI.jpg (600x472, 81.67K)

Should’ve made Ultimatum/Miles Morales the Recluse

There are pretty good!

Yes thank you, I was specifically thinking GITS tank with a dude in a dome on it.

what's wrong with miles' mouth