Voihon Ch. 3: HappyHunger

Voihon thread, new chapter out!

Lambchop is back on the menu, boys!

I am searching for a codebreaking user
to take a crack at something, contact me at [email protected] for more details

Attached: forever safe from horny ram.png (450x529, 208.44K)

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Nice, they're actually delivering the weekly updates.

>she feels happy when starving


Attached: duh.png (648x558, 19.77K)


Some clear Garden of Eden vibes there.

What the fuck is this.

Man I love the way the author draws the sky

How do you guys feel about this compared to the old version?

a webcomic/video story about dolls, apocalypse, russian slangs and purity

the youtube channel

Best boy is back

Yoso is way meaner and zealous than I remember

Feel definitively better in several ways better pacing, some conflict between the protagonist and the villain looks way more competent and relevant.

Attached: when the lamb forgot you now that she up.png (859x529, 618.93K)

It's good!


I wonder if there's any relevance to the pattern on bluevoi's eye

Attached: bluevoi.png (315x221, 94.09K)

Looks like a symbol but I can't find anything.


Maybe she will recover her full human memories the moment she eat it?

Attached: forbidden fruit.png (914x420, 188.1K)

Attached: EWxN76lXsAcxx7v.jpg (1158x995, 115.46K)

>the fruits look like the demon frogs
I wonder why

I noticed that voifrut looks like the heads of demons in the old comic. What could it mean?

Attached: eyes burning.jpg (215x248, 42.79K)

Maybe frog pope will return and we'll find out

Attached: 1.png (940x1320, 1.84M)

So far every character in this comic is a little darker than their previous version.

>Teffina the Unbreakable Doll

So ниcлoмбивaя=unbreakable confirmed.

Regarding the "poem" in this chapter

>O мeи вoиник,
>Я yeм твeи!
>O мeи вoиник,
>Ут твeи кopoк!

(the first letter in yeм is different from the normal Cyrillic y, I can't even find this character in any language. Maybe it's en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izhitsa or something)

Pretty sure the first part means "O my voinik(?), I am yours". "Ут кopoк" was used before but I'm still unsure of the exact meaning.

Attached: ddvt9jw-d66feb0c-0d39-4b59-8305-2f9c50d62fff.png (940x1000, 403.2K)

The pacing is good and some of the art is improved but I like the old Teff hair better.

interesting, nice job user

I'm enjoying it so far. Can't believe voifont lied to us.

>those demon-like head shapes
>that fallen fruit
Looks like foreshadowing, possibly about either Emeri or Towdi

Translating "мeи" as "my" seems intuitive, but Mei is also used as some kind of given name.
"Boиник" seems to be cognate with "вoин"/"вoйнa" (warrior/war), but also might be just corrupted "Voi".

Isn't that the sequence where they take drugs to see Pashusta? Does eyes burning mean visual hallucinations then?