The dad from the last cartoon you watched is now Shinjis father

the dad from the last cartoon you watched is now Shinjis father
what changes?

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>Timmy’s Dad
Might be worse.

I don't remember the last cartoon I've seen with a dad in it but i am going through stardust crusaders and Joseph is technically the dad in it

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>It's okay Shinji you don't need to get in the robot.

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Shinji is another one of Joseph’s bastards


>Rusty Venture
Shinji never had a chance.

>Finn's dad from Adventure Time
would've been almost the same shit but different trauma

>King of the Hill
"Dammit, Shinji, just get in the propane powered robot."

Lego Darth Vader would seem very silly in Evangelion, especially if he was the size of a minifig.

but hank isnt the only dad in that show
how would HE fare?

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Make it Carl.
Even though he may not be a dad.
Just make it Carl.

Idk I've never watched Evangelion

Its on netflix faggot go watch it

Good. It's bad and OP is a fag.

>recommending the netflix version
Commit sudoku

What would Shinji’s stand be?

>I'm tellin y'all the angels don't actually exist. It's all a conspiracy to keep us citizens in those metal boxes
>"but sir there's one heading right toward us"
>says you

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Mr and Mrs. Turner are mildly oblivious , but honestly they're still better than Gendo. Most of the dads posted in this thread unless someone posts Clarissa's would be better fathers than Gendo.

Joseph is debate.

>it's nice that we have a day we can spend together
>yeah whatever, say you got somethin goin with that redhead now or not?

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How should i watch the 90s one again, because im not sitting through 24 episodes on my phone again


The original ADV dub.

I'm throwing in a second place for worse than Gendo

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>My dreams were shattered years ago.
>How many years ago?
>How old are You?

They can both bond by running away.

Ritsuko Akagi... POCKET SAND

>Sonic Boom
Did it even had any dads? I don't renember.

Holly’s Stand