What did you think of this episode?

what did you think of this episode?

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It was based and fetishpilled

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Honestly? I thought it was one of the better ones. Definitely not the funniest episode, but still a good one.

After all these years, Timantha is still my waifu. We need morel lewds of her (disregarding Sherwood)

Good, solid genderswap fetish content. It's extremely frustrating to find nowadays, because even just talking about it as a kink can flair people up.

I'd be willing to draw some right now, but I know that asshat will show up and ruin the fun

Firstly: nice dubs. Secondly: who?

accidental example of "gap moe" in an American cartoon with the buckteeth actually enhancing her cuteness.

Some random user that's got beef with me, he'll show up, criticize my art, call me a pedo, yada yada yada. I've just taken to calling him Asshat, and lets see if the numbers will bless me again?

Decent but out of character episode that is propped up by Trixie shippers
The C&W b plot had funnier jokes

Ah. Don’t let him spoil your fun, boss. Looks like the digits weren’t there for ya that time.

>A voice actress playing a boy playing a girl.

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The long con.

It awakened my AGP fetish as a 6-year-old

A solid episode about not being afraid to be yourself, or limiting yourself to gender-stereotypes.
Plus it introduced Tomboy Trixie, which even though it was never brought up again in canon, was the best thing about her character.

You thought you where into traps but it was ME!, Tomboy!

Aren't autists fun?

I've got one who has been trying to start rumors about me and my business for over a year because I declined to do custom work for him. He does this like every 3-5 weeks.

I love Timantha!

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Lol. That picture is based.

What's with is up with the drink?

Eh, sure why not, I've got something to do real fast, but when I get back I'll draw something.

I enjoy watching him rage, but its so damn tiring.

That it made the best comic ever made.

That's an edit of a dick, right.

Timmy should have stayed as a girl so he could drink more cider.

I'm kinda bumbed that croc never did a Timantha comic where AJ and Chester banged Timantha.

It's from a drawthread

Alright, lets see what pops outta me today

Note to self, warm up first...

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This right here cemented my love for the ep

timmy should have always been a cute girl

I like that it was partially responsible for the new generation of traps

Sa right

No, warm ups are important.

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Looking good so far

timmantha wasn't a trap though. they turned him into a biological girl