
It's the time of clashing titans, and it's the time of horrible change. Question for the thread: If you were given the option to become a kaiju or were otherwise recruited for some anti-kaiju operation, would you take it?

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I dunno

>or were otherwise recruited for some anti-kaiju operation, would you take it?
HCW-style? Sure. It'd be pretty badass and I'd get to see some cool shit.

Well, being a kaiju WOULD effectively immunize you to most shit in the Horrorverse. So that's a plus.

No. I wouldn't be of much use in either situation.

Ah, the duality of men.

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>were otherwise recruited for some anti-kaiju operation, would you take it?
I like this option. A Kaiju is basically a walking natural disasters. So really it's either try to kill it or wait to die

Depends heavily on the kind of kaiju. The more heroic versions of Godzilla and the Guardian Beasts were treated more or less as superheroes, and Mothra is a hero in any incarnation. Just don't be a dick.

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I’d choose to turn into a kaiju just so I could fuck shit up myself.

Not unreasonable.

>New batch of internet horror legends like Siren Head and whatnot
>Nicholas Rush:

Siren Head and Nicholas likely wouldn't ever cross paths. Like, whenever thryre about to stray into each other, one or the other just goes in the opposite direction for some inane reason.

I want to FUCK Mothra!

Me too.

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>If you were given the option to become a kaiju or were otherwise recruited for some anti-kaiju operation
As long as I get to choose what kind of kaiju, the first option by far.
The only thing I ever wanted more than meet Godzilla was to BE Godzilla.

GiH! I didn't think anyone else liked it! Man I love those books

I really wish the other issues in this series were as good as the first one

The others were pretty good though. Debatably not as great, but still good.

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The first issue was amazing.
The middle was extremely dull and boring, and did nothing with the premise.
And the ending was pretty good. Not enough to redeem the middle but good enough to stand out decent.

And since there's multiple Goji's here, it's a guarantee you'll at least be able to meet and talk with your idol if you do so.

I can't imagine why

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Fair enough.

Sirenhead lore stuff.

When asked if it reacts to actual sirens/radio sounds:
>It’s smart enough to know that other sirens aren’t him (there might not be others like him, he hasn’t seen another for a long time) but the sirens are useful. He can hunt more freely when they make noise.

When asked about whether it uses the sounds it mocks to communicate or if it's just random imitation or "broadcasts" like a radio:
>It picks up stuff from the airwaves, stuff it hears, bits and pieces from all over and repurposes them. It mostly doesn’t make any sense to us, but it’s a conscious choice on its part.

When asked about how fast it is:
>It can be very quick. I think it could outpace a car if necessary

When asked if it could crawl on all four of its limbs, like a spider or monkey:
>He could if he wanted, but he’s bipedal

When asked if shooting it is possible:
>I wouldnt

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Clearly, they're seeing other people.

Still no verification as to what Lamp Head is in relation to Siren Head?