Ben 10

Discussion thread for the last good, long running, action cartoon. Has anyone else troved through the concept art? Weird shit.

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a pokeball?

What the fuck was her problem

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Looks like one of those boarding droids from Revenge of the Sith opening scene.

Good stuff, keep it coming.


Not enough sex.

No Alien to dom/mount.

Great stuff

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Looks like a buzz droid

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Those are some Hellboy vibes.

Rampant Furry/Xenophile.

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>No good action games
>No fighting game, closest thing is Ben in Punch Time Explosion
Just give me one good CUHRAZY be 10 game and I will die a happy Zoomer

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neat to see big chill stayed relatively unchanged through concept

>>expecting quality video games from a able network
I'm so sorry user

Just give me at least a Lego Game or something, those are always good.
This series deserves something that isn't low effort shovelware.
Even some mods in other games would sate my hunger for Ben 10 Vidya.

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That body screams Bruce Timm

all of these were better than what we got, why the change to a generic head?

And then we got this moomin lookin ass

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because the cooler heads cost more then a happy meal to animate, and the powers that be didn't see it was worth it to a design that wasn't gonna get used very often, I assume

>disliking the cosmic chin

Only wanted alien dick.
I still hate how they wasted a whole arc on Ken trying to save his parents failing marriage even though they honestly should’ve just divorced.

I like the floating head with multiple faces idea

It helps with the whole Bellicus/Serena thing too

Yes I can understand the animation part but doesn't Alien X just stand still like 90% of the time?

>inb4 Halfag.

I really liked the first show and Alien Force, but went "Fuck this" during Ultimate Alien. I don't remember what set off dislike. Didn't bother with Omniverse.

he does, I'm just making assumptions from what I've seen from AF and my less then perfect knowledge of the animation industry

Dude a smash-like ben 10 game would be awesome. The alt skins for each alien could be the AU bens from Omniverse

So what is up with Crystal Jesus having a different homeworld listed in some stuff when in the show he was the same one as Diamondback? Did they change it during development?

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thats the most likely answer, allthough another possible answer is that the people who write the bios and the people who work on the show were completely disconnected from each other

I just noticed that they recycled one of the designs into sixsix

God-tier character design, DJW is a hack for trying to tweak perfection

I like the idea of the multiple face but the floating face bothers me because it's too much like the living tribunal. It should be a compromise where the head is at as ched but there's still 3 faces