Animators that are wasting their talent

This guy actually has a nice art style and a competent animator yet he wastes his time and resources on yo mama and other shitty humour animations

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a lot of aniamtors end up like that due to youtube algorythm, original projects and creative animations usually don't attract views without a company shilling you.

he's average, being average isn't enough to actually get anywhere unless you also have great ideas

Everyone at Disney, Illumination, Dreamworks, etc

I too just watched that "yo mama" video, and was shocked to find he worked on this shit. It pays, doing his own stuff will likely not. Youtube should really rework the monetisation system a bit for animation or something.

Hotdiggedydemon, he has such an appealing style, I wish he would work with someone who can write and make a good comic or animation

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Isn't this Zone's alt?

He used to be creative tho, his old video about the depressed dude was unironically great, super ironic how he used to mock videos where characters explain everything and talk a lot rather than showing the story with scenes.

that is a cute goomba!

Yeah it was like reddit visualized, it was so much reddit even reddit hated it

Brain Dump is good

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It's not a waste of time to do shit that pays the bills. Every animator, even Richard Williams, make their bread and butter off of animating commercial shit.

He tried to pitch a show I'm pretty sure. About a fish spaceman or something, and then Nickelodeon kept the rights to it

I know a guy who was offered million dollar contract but rejected it due to Conservative principles.

any rule 34 of the gjost

Why was he offered a million dollars? And why were his conservative principles against it?

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Yea the real problem there is that for a shitload of people, trying to land an actual gig in animation is like forming a garage band and hoping a promoter discovers them and makes them a rock star. It's 98% luck, 2% talent. If they have no industry contacts, know no one, never go to a convention, and only just apply like they are looking for a typical office job, they are not getting hired ever.

They can be fucking amazing, but if no one notices them, they are at best only making shit for youtube.

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I never understood the appeal

He's one of the most well known animators on youtube and he gets consistent views. I don't think he's doing too bad. He's making what he wants to make.


Fucking this, you need to go to Calarts and make some contacts, go to things like SIGGRAPH and make some contacts, then email them a lot and kiss some ass, or make friends on twitter and weasel your way into the industry or you are not going anywhere.

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I will never not be astounded by the disparity between his art/animation and his God-awful writing/humor

I was pretty surprised when I saw how Nico's actual art and animation looks like. It's kinda fuckin bad, the dude isn't industry-tier. But he has a TON of connections, so he's worked on shows and I think he's working on that new McCracken netflix show, as well as having his own show up on youtube with some legit voice actors attached to it.

And now he is the gate-keeper who people have to kiss ass to if they want to work.

I never understood why a large group of animators can't band together on youtube and make eachothers animations working before cycling back and starting again with the first guy. you'd have to work on other people's projects, but your longer animation could finally be made. Larger projects should earn more money and with more hands on ship (with the director being the one who created the story) it should be a higher quality product, appealing to a wider audience.

Isn't this how Pencilmation started out?

Good luck with that. He will only acknowledge the existence of people who can advance his own career.

How easy would it to get a group of people to work on a project without work.
There'd be a lot of creative differences. The only way I see a group of people going together is if they get patreon support or already are good friends with similar views.

The biggest hurdle is that animation is extremely time consuming, and it requires a lot of equipment and software that is very expensive. Out of work animators who need jobs now have a hard time working for free from home, and a harder time if they have dayjobs to go to which kills all their free time so a project cannot get off the ground so easily.

>How easy would it to get a group of people to work on a project without work. There'd be a lot of creative differences.
Well, there are many youtube animators and newgrounds animators etc. Hell, this would be a good way to have actually worked on a project to put it on your resume. The creative difference point is reasonable, but with it being a certain animators "turn" to direct their animation, they should have complete control on their project. Don't like the way he does things, wait until your project comes up and do it better.

>The biggest hurdle is that animation is extremely time consuming, and it requires a lot of equipment and software that is very expensive.
Like I said, there already many animators doing small freelance work, I'm just saying work together to make something bigger, better and more likely to earn you money and a job.

I hope Smiling Friends and YOLO are a hit so networks will be more willing to work with online animators

But first they have to work for free.

You might as well ask why more animators are not working for exposure.

He needs to do that shit after all the porn flashes he used to make.

>so networks will be more willing to work with online animators
Their only biggest problem would probably be deadlines.