Franco-Belgian/Eurocomics Storytime

Hello Zig Forums, how are we all on this fine day in quarantine?

As a mid-apocalypse gift, I bring you a freshly scanlated eurocomic about the survivor of a serial killer's massacre. This is from the same author as The Days That disappear, which I also scanlated and should be available in the archive.

As always, please don't hold back on comments, criticism, corrections and suggestions.


>The police arrest a young woman wandering the streets covered in blood, with a knife in her hand. Returning her to her home, the officers are horrified to discover the whole family murdered... 6 years later, Pierre Grimaud, the sole survivor of the “Rue des Corneilles massacre”, awakens from a profound coma. The 15 year old teenager has become a 21 year old young man. Disoriented, still paralysed and suffering from partial amnesia, he is taken into the care of doctor Anna Kieffer, a psychologist specialising in criminology and victimology. Through their sessions, Anna tries to help him remember the circumstances of the massace, despite the gaps in his memory. Pierre tells her about the prsence of a mysterious “man in black” who haunts his dreams, probably a subconscious response to his trauma. After several sessions, Anna grows to realise that Pierre is a sensitive and highly intelligent person. Touched by his story, she even starts feeling affection for him. Little by little, a true bond begins to form between them. Anna cannot imagine how much this patient will change her life.

>After the acclaimed The Days That Disappear, Timothé Le Boucher returns with a tense and surprising psychological thriller, allowing us a glimpse of several of the author’s favourite themes: the relationship with the other, the notion of “time”, identity and memory.

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What the hell is up with the Zig Forums pass now?

>IP range banned from uploading files to Zig Forums
>Have to get a Zig Forums pass to get round it
>Can now only pay in crypto
>Instead decided to send $25 to a potentially aids site

I did get the pass from the aids site in the end, hope he doesn't empty out my bank account.

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So how are we all enjoying the virus situation?

I for one, am fucking loving it, I work from home so don't have to deal with most of my annoying colleagues, don't have to commute anymore, am saving about £1k a month on travel, food and alcohol.

It could go on forever and I would be happy.

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Is image limit 250 now? Then we should just be alright, I've got 246 pages to post.

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Oh shit, it's sleeping beauty

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Tiphaine is apparently the French version of Tiffany, sounds a lot less white trash though.

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This guy reminds me of L crossed with Ryuk.

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I fucking hate in horror movies where they have the creepy dude vibrate at high frequency, I feel like this would be like that on film.

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I was wrong, it's about 290 pages, might need another thread after all.

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Gotta say, she doesn't seem that retarded.

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