Over the Hedge

Comic or movie?

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i didn't even know there was a book

what the fuck

The comic bored the snot out of me.

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Never read the comic. I wonder if anyone has anything for a storytime

It was a comic strip first.

I remember learning about the comic around a decade ago, but I didn't know it was still going. Looks like most of the recent strips from this passed several weeks have been about the covid quarantine

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And I guess they're friends with a dinosaur too, idk

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That's actually quite funny


Does Dreamworks still have rights to this? I'm surprised they haven't turned it into a TV series yet.

I remember liking the comic strip. Never saw the movie. It felt too "Disney" compared to the source material.

Man, these guys need a good colorist.

>Never saw the movie
>It felt too "Disney"
Choose one.

>Looks like most of the recent strips from this passed several weeks have been about the covid quarantine
I'd imagine a lot of news paper strips are.
I think we need to have a thread about that later.

The video game

Do you think Tom Batiuk will use the Coronavirus events to kill off a character from Funky Winkerbean? Pretty much all the old 1970's cast is now in the age range where they could be easily affected.

It was called "trailers", "posters" and "tv ads". You could judge the quality based on those things back in the day.

Finally, the day to kill Crankshaft is upon us!

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I feel like the creator is something of a fan of Berkley Breathed. Lot of Bloom County energy.

I remember reading some of the comic strip on co long ago but yeah the movie is better.

9/11 is my favorite subject matter for my comic strips. This one is good, the dog has to state that it's the anniversary of 9/11, really rubbing it in, or else it wouldn't make sense.

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>judging the quality of a movie based on its marketing

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Comic. But movie is harmless fun if you're into that.

I remember Building 7.

>That movie was a lie
Right in the childhood


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Comic strip

this comic is actually pretty good

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