Can jiren defeat superman?

"Give me superman"

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No. Superman will let himself get knocked around for a while to see what he’s dealing with like he always does but the truth is he could just turn the guy’s brain into stir-fry at any given moment.

Easily. You need non-canon Superman Prime from DC Million just to contend with Jiren.

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Yes. Not even a debate.

They both stop fighting each other and hug it out once they found out that both their mother's name is Martha. A surprised Batman enters the scene and claims his mother's name is also Martha. The three of them decide to hug it out and form a club together.

I hate pages like this. It’s the only page ever posted and I don’t know what it’s from. It’s like the black hand from that shitty multiversity nonsense. Or TOAA in that Spider-Man comic where it’s just gold Stan lee. Same page always posted. Show me something new retards.

Even if that was him, it's not Superman at his peak, might as well put this weak version against a baby Jiren or some other bullshit.

Modern comics are nothing but shitty fan fiction with power wanking as its main appeal. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can be at peace with that.

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I’m already at peace dipshit. Nobody asked for your armchair psychology. Get a grip jackass

Funny thing is Superman is traditionally so powerful they keep having to nerf him and make him weak on purpose otherwise people say that Superman is too powerful and therefore too boring in terms of powers.

Even Superboy could fuck up the entire DBZ universe if we're talking Superman at peak power/composite Supes.

Give it up, even Jiren is a Superman rip-off and Jiren's costume is boring and poorly designed as fuck.

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Wow okay than. No need to turn a temper tantrum like a little child.

He and Jiren have nothing in common

>Both aliens
>Both superstrong and invulnerable
>Jiren's costume is one of the lamest Superman costume rip-offs ever

>they're not similar at all

Sure bro.

Must be nice to be delusional enough to think every character is a copycat of Superman. What a sad a pathetic individual you are superfag.

>Superman rip-off
Might as well claim Superman is an Ogon Bat rip-off if we are going to be retarded.

Being a super tough alien isn’t fucking owned by Superman and their outfits look nothing alike. Design wise they only share boots and the color red

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this is damn sad lads, same thread after same thread
>besides the real question is Plastic Man vs. Monkey D. Luffy

>Doesn't address a single valid point made

Faggot, even Jiren's origin story is a rip-off Batman's origin story. Are you blind? You can't even admit that Jiren is a superstrong alien with a costume that's clearly a Superman rip-off, even the team Jiren is on abuses the fuck out of using the word Justice.

In what fucking universe does his costume look like Superman’s? Also, which is it, Superman or Batman?

In every universe, you must be blind, a color swap don't mean shit. Jiren is a rip-off of both, and agan you're ignoring that Jiren's team uses the word Justice so much it's like they're trying to any people with it on purpose.


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So you are now moving the goalpost and claim Jiren is a Batman ripoff now? Oh wow. You suiperfags are some real delusional piece of shit.

They only share boots, Jiren doesn’t do trunks or belt, the pattern is nothing like Superman’s, no cape, Jiren wears gloves, he looks closer to a fucking Green Lantern than Superman.


If you've seen one Superman rip-off you've seen them all... stay mad faggot.

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You, explain like a designer, the similarities

I just did, see pic

Oh no! The mad faggot is calling others mad faggot!

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>has no argument
>proceeds to post empty posts

Anti faggots are dumb cunts not worthy of anyone's time.

If you believe in your delusional enough, maybe Jiren will in fact become a Superman analog and pilot the Jiren Thought Robot in order to save the multiverse! Keep believing in your delusionals superfag. That clearly the only thing you are good at.

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I'm sure Superman can help Jiren gain a new outlook on life after he opens up.

Superfags using a poorly photoshop image to support their claims. Honestly cant be more pathetic than that.

>false-flagging as a Batfag this much

You're an idiot but if wanna keep displaying your idiocy by all means keep going. If you look closely enough you'll see even Goku's costume has a spot on his chest where the S logo should be.

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>Has no valid argument so has to call people pathetic for pounting out visual truths

You fags must be in love with Superman as you're always giving him so much of your attention.

So claims the mad faggot that is forced to pull bullshit out of his ass and used photoshop images just to defend Superman.