Joshua Luna thread. What went wrong? Why does he think his autobiography is what people care about?

Joshua Luna thread. What went wrong? Why does he think his autobiography is what people care about?

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He's insane.

I wonder what caused his complete shift to this obsession about his "autobiography."

Because he saw the trend that it's more profitable to bitch about the supposed representation you don't have rather than create it, despite the fact that he was in the perfect position to do so

Wasn't the big thing that set him off one of his publishers saying no one would buy this?

Well it's gotten you to share his comic on a nearly daily basis, so...


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>that user who came up with a theme song for Colonial Man

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He let his persecution complex quietly develop into genuine mental illness.

when you spend so long staring at yourself you become absolutely infatuated with yourself and blame any short coming on outside forces


I wish people would post this comic more often. This is inspired by the parting ways of him and his brother. The Asian guy silencing him and then looking to capitalize on his Asian-ness is his brother, the other guy is Josh.

I find this extra funny because in the comic, it's never said that, "He's making way more money now!". No, he's stated that "his posts are going viral". There are cat videos that go viral and he's equating himself on that level as if it's an impressive feat.

This guy considers no one in his life his ally, not even his own brother.

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i am a leftist wokeboy and this comic is annoying. the first panel i can get behind because immigrant kids actually get treated like this. then he completely shits the bed with the second panel

>white guy starting a filipino restaurant

i have literally never seen a white chef running any kind of asian restaurant. i feel like even liberal whites would run them out of town

>that dialogue

if you can't show it with less words than this, maybe it's not a good idea for a comic strip

>cartoonist and his twin wife/gf in line

if this restaurant sucks so much and lacks authenticity, why are you guys there?

Link or it didn't happen!

My favorite part is that he is aggressively against stereotypes and calling people tokens, but draws his brother as an ugly Asian stereotype and calls him one because he disagrees with him. He's fake as fuck, and it's one of the reasons I don't believe him when he says his brother abused him.

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Why would anyone get run out of town?

Are you saying a white guy isn't allowed to cook certain things?

>i have literally never seen a white chef running any kind of asian restaurant. i feel like even liberal whites would run them out of town
There's a popular Chinese restaurant chain in NYC called "Uncle Ted's". Does that count?

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this again?
the man hates himself but his stuff isnt not funny enough to point at and laugh, just kinda pathetic

Haha the joke is that Asians are lazy and didn't get to the restaurant early enough.

Not him but I think this comic was inspired by Gordon Ramsay opening up a really shitty Asian fusion restaurant that didn't have a single Asian person in the kitchen. That or Andrew Zimmern saying he was saving flyovers from eating at "horseshit" Chinese restaurants.

He had the contract to make his own comic at image, so rather than make a comic with a pacific asian person as the lead he decided to bitch about how there aren't enough asian people in american comics.

Why are we having the same shitty thread over and over. Faggots like OP is the reason why Chris-Chan, Dobson, and Arron Diaz are worthless unkowns that get popular for their infamy rather than their success.

if you read my post you'd realize that this is not my opinion, i'm just telling you what i think would happen based on what i've seen. if a white guy tried to start his own asian restaurant, they would catch hell. my opinion about it is irrelevant

also starting a restaurant and crafting a menu is not the same as just cooking a certain food. learn the difference between a chef and person who cooks, please

Luna thinks everyone is out to get him. EVERYONE.

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exactly what idea does this faggot think he has that would earn hm millions?

...they're 3% of the US population. What does he expect?

>Asian fusion restaurant that didn't have a single Asian person in the kitchen

You say that like it is an important fact. A meal cooked by me and a meal cooked by you, both of us following the same method will be the same goddamn meal no matter what colour you or I actually are.

Do you have to be english to cook beef wellington?
Do you have to be welsh to make cheese on toast?
Do you have to be from sandwich to.. i'm sure you get my point.

Food doesn't become more real if it's cooked by a chinese person.

You are racist as fuck.
No no no ALL chinese people cook really good chinese food obviously! I mean, They're CHINESE!

>so what u really mean is-

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Damn, he hates white liberals the most it seems. Yet he still votes straight Democrat and hates Southerners too.

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He's mentally ill user, did you not get that from his public and petty attempts to tank his own brothers career?

who are you yelling at? my post and the other guy's post are just stating observations without opinions.neither of us have said what we actually think about white people cooking chinese food. calm down you fucking autist

I can't tell if this was a joke, but he also made a female superhero along the same lines so yeah.

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Hes just racist there isn't anything complicated about it.

This guy could've been based if he just made sexy parody comics.

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>Uncle Ted
That a Tet Offensive.

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this seems like a joke, but it aint making me laugh

I guess you could call him a LUNAtic

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Pretty much this, hes a self-hating faggot. Hes got talent but all he dose with it is whine and complain about shit that dosent fucking matter. 'Oh no, now people like my culture when they are grown up.' Yeah humans do that dumb-shit, it isnt an only immigrant/white thing. That Iron-fist comic up there also proves he has no idea what the fuck hes talking about since any nerd regardless would look at established lore of a character and REEEEE if its so much changed by adding too many buttons to a costume until people eather A: get used to it, its not the worst thing out there. or B: the change to a character is so ass-breaking retarded people just up and say 'fuck this' and don't deal with the character any more.

The two biggest comic's that truly say he is a limp-wristed self-defeating faggot is the one about Filipino history and the other where other Asian cultures don't think hes Asian enough.

Owner Ted Chang is white?