The only Funko pops I own

The only Funko pops I own

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Sell them before the speculator bubble bursts.

I had the Lo-Pan one but I gave it to my ex as a way to remember me before a failed suicide attempt. She was Chinese, and we always enjoyed bantering about that glorious schlocky movie.
It’s been five years since we last spoke

This is the only one I own. I have no plans to get another one.

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Actually based choices

Why did you make this thread?

I have the very first Marceline, since there wasn't anything good of her at the time, and this Slimer.

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>owning Funkos

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Probably to make yous seethe

Oh shit, I didn't even know there was a Brakk one. I bought a Portal Turret one, and a friend of mine bought me a Hatsune Miku keychain one to get back at me for giving him a collection of Jean Claude van Damme films for Christmas.

funkos are fine if you take them out of the box. leaving them in the box is cringe

If you don't have more than 20 Funko Pops you literally can't call yourself a real comic fan in 2020. Get with the times grandpas.

I've got
Toy Story
Gold Hulk
Pusheen mermaid

>Oh shit, I didn't even know there was a Brakk one.

It was a convention exclusive.

I have no Zig Forums-related ones, the only one I own is a Godzilla one. Don't really go out of my way to buy these because more often than not they look fucking hideous.
Pic related looks fucking sweet though, I might get one.

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These are the only two I own. Got Top Cat for myself since I love Top Cat and he has a lot more than character than typical funkos.
Sailor Jupiter was a gag gift from an old girlfriend after I told her Sailor Jupiter got me into brunettes.

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Why did you make your thread?

They're mostly con exclusives, I like them in a box.

>hate the way funkos look
>but they've got IPs for which there's literally zero other merch
>so somehow I have a dozen of the things
I do throw out the boxes though.

yeah funkos get a lot of grief but
a) they're dirt cheap compared to something like a statue
b) there's a funko for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.
no matter how much you hate funkos, there's one out there with your name on it

I don't care that they're exclusives, that's still three too many

I just can't over the aesthetic of them I just think they look awful

this is true for 99% of funkos but there are still ones that have a lot more personality. this thread has some examples

i wanna own merch of characters i like because i enjoy looking at those characters, and theres some real nice looking merch out there. funkopops dont only look bad, they look and feel like the definition of:
>there's one out there with your name on it
i dont want to own something i dont like just because its of a thing i enjoy, im not so much of a consumer

I think it’s acceptable to buy Funko Pops of characters that seemingly never get any other merch. I bought a Booster Gold/Blue Beetle set of Funkos just because DC cancelled their action figures.

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Why do they pretend Conservatives hate Funko? What's wrong with liking stuff?

what the heck are you talking about

That looks like the ghost of Baby Yoda.

The only Funko Pop I own is this one.
It was a 'surprise' backer reward from MST3K revival Kickstarter.

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I have Godzilla. Thats it. Thats all I need or want.

.......Maaaaaaybe Shantae.

>MST3K revival
I'm sorry.