Fuck Goku vs Superman or Broly vs Hulk. This is the real million dollar question

Fuck Goku vs Superman or Broly vs Hulk. This is the real million dollar question.
Who wins? Do either of them have any way of putting down the other?

Attached: 682 vs doomsday.jpg (1280x720, 181.6K)

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682 has better adaptability. Doomsday loses to entropy

>Who wins?
Doomsday becomes Jon and 682 becomes Garfield

This one comes up just as often.
Ask a more niche, interesting matchup OP.

Isn't 682 on such a bullshit level of durability that even reality warpers couldn't put him down for good? Like it'd be equivalent to TOAA or the Presence blinking him out of existence, only for 682 to return later and come back pissed

Doomsday evolved beyond entropy and came back.

Theoretically, Doomsday would evolve past it eventually.

Needed Lex’s help for that, the little bitch

Doesn't Doomsday only evolve after being killed? Surely at some point both of them are going to become so bullshit, neither one can hurt the other and it becomes a staring contest until the end of time (and possibly after)

Some info on scp

SCP 682, nicknamed Hard-To-Destroy-Reptile, is a massive, hyper-intelligent, reptilian creature with a burning hatred towards all life. It says that life is "Disgusting" and must be destroyed. The SCP foundation, who commonly harbor reality warpers and potential planet busters, decided 682 was to dangerous and had to be destroyed. All of their attempts at killing the creature have failed, as it is has an incredible healing factor. When God (SCP 342) was questioned about the origins of 682 he said it "wasn't one of his" and was probably a "glitch" or a foreign entity from another realm.

682 is a planetary threat at least, comparable to the likes of Godzilla.


It's footsteps cause the ground to shake and level structures.
It's roar can level structures.
It can alter the shape of it's body
It survived the total destruction of 99% of it's body.
It is immune to existence wiping and very resistant to reality warping.
God himself couldn't do anything to it, and couldn't even see it at all.
It survived a matter manipulating item that crystallizes organic beings. It slowed down the crystallization process and then the affected area exploded. 682 was badly injured from this, but later grew an immunity to the crystal.
The SCP Foundation took two magic bookends that made any literature between them into reality and put between them a story tilted "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Can And Will Kill SCP–682 Permanently if it So Much As Spots That Damn Lizard". After sending 682 into the story, the story was soon re-titled "The Generally Nice, Friendly Thing That Tried To Kill SCP–682 Permanently But Failed" and had a new chapter detailing an epic battle between the two, which 682 won handily.
682 killed 076, AKA Able.
It can tank nuclear warheads.

He honestly doesn't. Anything capable of killing a universe is capable of killing Doomsday for good. Literally established that when Doomsday was trapped in an underground rape dungeon at the end of time where the universe is about to die.

I bet it won't survive zero point transition avalanche. Neither will everything else though.

That crocodile doesn't seem like it stands a chance against the ice hulk. He's too low.

Did they flat out say 342 was God, and not just some powerful reality manipulator?

The true answer is that this fight is actually a Keter Duty containment procedure!

682 will constantly adapt and Doomsday will awlays reincarnate into a stronger being

You can read more here: scp-wiki.net/roget-s-proposal

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He gets bodied by that one SCP that does whatever she's told, it wasn't even a competition he stood NO chance at defeating her. The only reason she stopped is because he told her to. 682 was a mistake and ruined SCP since all you edgelords just tried to make something "stronger" for no reason.

This, SCP went to shit when people focused on MUH LORE and power levels rather than telling an intriguing tale within the guidelines of the series, instead breaking them entirely and being rewarded for it.

I'm pretty certain this never happened/you're being purposefully obtuse for some fucking reason. But that's to he expected with you retards.

Anyway, unless Doomsday has power comparable to Pataphysics shit or Pattern Screamers, he can't do shit for dick against 682.

Literal Christian God.

Current SCP is drastically better than first "generation" SCP, 682 for example is bullshit made by some random teenager ripping off godzilla and then wanking his little mary sue as the hottest shot on the menu.

>SCP-2599 proceeded to engage SCP-682 in combat for 42 minutes, at the end of which three of SCP-682's limbs had been severed, its thorax had been crushed, and both its eyeballs had been ruptured. SCP-2599 then seized SCP-682's head, apparently in preparation for pulling it off of SCP-682's body. In response, SCP-682 vocalized the phrase "KILL ME, YOU SACK OF ORGANS, DO IT."
It's not actually the Christian god you retard
do you even read the articles or just the power wikia pages?

>It can tank nuclear warheads.
Not even that. They had an SCP with precognitive powers simulate what would happen if they sent 682 to the Moon and hit it with the entirety of their nuclear arsenal, completely vaporizing both it and the majority of the moon save for like, 0.001% of its blood.

It promptly regenerated from that, grew to the size of Saturn and ate the solar system.

Doomsday isn't even a speedbump for baseline 682. His adaptations are too slow and too generalized for more mundane forms of damage compared to what the lizard has.

Author on the wiki here. I have to say that of all my time spent on the wiki, no established rule holds more credence than the simple fact that 682 is indestructible and will always be immortal.

That's practically the entire point of 682. To survive, adapt, and overcome everything to be the last one standing. The perfect apex predator in all realities.

If you want a shorter answer; 682 has survived metanarrativic erasure at least twice and Doomsday hasn't so its obvious who wins.

682 is the Power-Man of SCP.

The better question is who wins between it and Power-Man.

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The Grimace
Nothing can kill The Grimace!


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So the Mary sue wins? Shocking

>682 for example is bullshit made by some random teenager ripping off godzilla and then wanking his little mary sue as the hottest shot on the menu.

First of all, you're full of shit. Secondly, what the fuck did Dr. Gears ever do to you to deserve this mistreatment.

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Powerman, by virtue of his ability to end stupid nerd arguments which a lot of discussions about 682 invariably turn into

The Fury could win, wanna know why?
It's 682 and Doomsday before both of them existed, and well written to boot, unlike both of them too.

Attached: the fury.jpg (500x855, 68.33K)

>Dr Gears
Literally a cuck

>Calling 682, a monster entity created in the early 2000s back when the site was focused on making monster-manual entries, a Mary Sue.

user, I don't think you know what a Mary Sue is, but I believe that that's the whole point of the article lol.

Hey pal, you forgot two.

343 is an avatar of the All-Mighty, who's an equivalent to the Abrahamic God. But he's either unaware of it or doesn't care, and the All-Mighty seems incredibly transcendent even compared to its avatars. So equating him with it isn't really possible.

You're wrong and stupid, the end of the article is just about how he's obviously corrupting people and altering their perspective and other malicious shit like that. I genuinely can't understand how some people can be so autistic

>calling Gears a cuck despite the fact that he has a wife and a family and left the site to focus on taking care of them and be with them.

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How is this garbage not a Mary sue?

If you can survive even 4th wall breaking while not being a comedic character then your character is Mary sue garbage

Because people kept trying to make characters who are "stronger" than it so they had to keep making it stronger since it was supposed to be the strongest. In short, poor writing.

If you're judging by the single article? Sure. But him being an avatar comes from a series of tales. And him being a universe-scale reality warper is demonstrated by him teaching 239 in that reality where the Foundation never originated, Thoth being fucking terrified at facing him, and him restoring the Valley of Two Trees.

Can you not turn a conversation about bullshit internet monsters into an autismo contest?

Poly cuck

The word has lost all meaning.

Good thing I never got into this garbage, IT sounded interesting at first but it seems that is just power levels bullshit

He also has cancer IIRC. So using him as an excuse for shitposting is not only pathetic, but a dick move.

682, like most SCP's, is a narrative device. If youre holding it to whatever arbitrary standards you have for characters (likely capeshit ones being honest), then you've missed the point. On top of completely misusing Mary Sue as a term.

>682 has survived metanarrativic
Only intrametanarrativic erasure which was basically glorified reality warping. It'd certainly trounce Doomsday but to my knowledge it's never been explicitly confirmed to be as powerful as its memed to be "in universe".

That's not to downplay how strong it is, but I don't even think it's been confirmed Demonbane tier and Demonbane's basically the gatekeeper for ridiculous tier.

do you people even know the meanings of the words you use?

>How is this garbage not a Mary sue?
Blame the rest of the authors for the tales and articles that feature 682 surviving shit like that.

>If you can survive even 4th wall breaking while not being a comedic character then your character is Mary sue garbage
If that were the case, Morrison's run on Superman should be deemed as garbage because Superman became covered in literal plot armor to defeat a hypercosmic multiversal vampire. There's a reason why it's called the "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile".

a few corrections
> God himself couldn't do anything to it, and couldn't even see it at all.
It is not certain that 343 is in fact god, it may just be a particularly weird and powerful type of reality warper, it has not yet demonstrated any level of ability that would place it at "god" level

and most importantly 682 CAN die, whatever causes 2935's effect can kill it as such it's existence is not an absolute cosmic fact

>His favorite SCP is in the Heritage collection
Is their any sign of being more of a pleb?

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None of those stories focus on actual powerlevels, because that's not the point of them. This isn't capeshit where everything is just about who has the bigger cosmic dick, as retards in these threads seem eager to dumb everything down to. The story with the Witch Child is about her learning to control her powers in a world where she isn't a drugged up glorified coma patient. The Thoth one is a jealous and angry god trying to make an ideal world for himself by destroying people's identities. And Two Trees is the war between the Scarlet King and what it means to live in such times.

oh and it is not certain that it can in fact tank nuclear warheads as the foundation has refused to test it because such a test would automatically cause a containment breach if failed

Garbage writing is garbage writing

Specially of your character is Sting just for the sake of power levels

There is a reason as to why people like slenderman and nobody gives to shota about autismo aligator

What is that retarded shit about the aligator turning as big as a planet again? Trash, just trash

I thought that this SCP thing was meant to be cool, not stupid