We all know Hulk can kick Superman's ass easily...

We all know Hulk can kick Superman's ass easily. But how will the magic community and the greater DC deal with the super devil that is behind the Hulk?

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Get raped

He seems like a standard JLADark villain.

Big super amazing, hugely omniversal power trying to break into the main universe, and he's kind of a dick. Not terribly different from The Upside Down Man, Hecate, evil flower guys, or Nabu's crew.

They call in Superman and he beats Banner and he brings him back to the Marvel universe

Why would anyone prefer the Hulk over Superman? I genuinely don't get it. One's just a whiny faggot who turns into a dumb ogre. Superman is a literal UltraMegaGigaChad who looks like a Greek God and has all kinds of adventures.

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Darkseid attempt to Omega Effect the Hulk only to find out that he is immune. Darkseid proceed to get his ass kicked by Hulk. A weeping Darkseid cries for help and Superman appears. Superman finds himself outmatched and getting overpowered. Batman appears with a Mother Box and opens a temporal Boom Tube that connects to the end of time and teleports Hulk there. Superman dies in Batman's arms as Lois and Jimmy watches in horror.

Still a 6'4" Alien SuperGod who looks like a GreecoRoman Sculpture.

And yet he continues to make stupid decisions with his life. Main one being that he decided to marry Lois instead of Lana, someone that truly loves him for who he is instead of someone like Lois that only loves him because he is Superman and the appeal of dating someone her father hates.

Doomsday bend the knee and accepts Hulk as his queen. Together they rape the DC universe and tear it a new asshole.

Superman is appeal is more due to the fact he's extremely nice, modest and even shy and insecure even though he's this demigod unlike other characters like Thor and Wonder Woman making speeches about him being a god and all powerful and going on Conan rip off adventures just for the sexual thrill.

He's still a nice and simple regular guy with simple pleasures, like apple pie and orange soda, he want to inspire people to be better but he refuse to play god and force it to change.

Meanwhile both Hulk and Banner have boned down a surprising amount of women despite being a giant monster and a nerdy scientist.

Joe Fixit alone...

Even has 3 kids compared to Superman’s one

Why does an all-powerful cosmic devil need pants?

3 that he knows of. Female Scorpion is implied to be his daughter. There was another that was implied to be his child but forgot who.

Meanwhile Banner want to fuck his own cousin and mother.

Constantine's been there done that seen the sequel

Meanwhile Clark cosplaying as Batman kisses Lois cosplaying as Robin. Or the time that a time traveling adult Superman kisses an underage girl and confess his love for her while her parents stood there and watched.

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>deadbeat father
>incestuous sick fuck

Why is Banner a "hero" again?

Pobody’s Nerfect

A Superman with graying hair kisses a 14 year old girl.

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Are those canon? Because if we go by alternate realities Wolverine stalked and tried to rape schoolgirls inside a school

One Below All entering the universe as a combo of science and Magic and influencing it's "avatars" would probably keep it around as a threat for a while and fighting it would be all about plugging leaks but overall they'd handle it pretty well with a few moments of chaos when we get something like Firestorm or Captain Atom connected to it.

And professor X tried to seduce an underage Jean Gray

>Deadbeat father
At least he never gets his kids killed and tortured. Superman has an awful track record.

Xavier trying to bang Jean is canon tho, not an alternate reality.

Hulk's none of those things aside from non-canon millar stories.

Christ Kent trapped in Phantom Zone.
Cir-El died saving Superman.
Kon-El killed fighting an evil Superman.
Jon-El raped by an evil Superman.
Nevermind the elseworlds stuff where Superman's children are killed. One of the elseworlds even had a jealous son of Superman kill the daughter of Superman as Superman and Batman helplessly watched.

What is even more fucked up when you consider the fact he was taking care of her and being her teacher.

Does he now have Hulk's power limitations? Like, angry = stronger? Because it'd be a big pain in the ass to just make the most powerful devil supreme happy and then he just loses all of his power. "Don't smile, don't you do it" saves the universe.

no one give a fuck about those 2 they are fucked up anyway, if you want to mention something controversial just mention how Reed and Susan were flirting when she was still a 12 year old while he was already an adult.