Why are you people so sensitive and unable to take even the most lighthearted joke at your expense?

Why are you people so sensitive and unable to take even the most lighthearted joke at your expense?

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Why do they need to acknowledge internet opinions

Making fun of trolls only compels them to to in harder

18+ have sex

Have sex, femcel

You can practically smell the salt.

what do "angry nerds" do for a living? Those who aren't living off welfare checks.

Because the feminist scum who make this shit cant take jokes either

>Lets just torrent some hentai
How did they know that's exactly what I did after watching this episode


Lots of service industry jobs.

I don't mind, it's a quip at overdramatic nerds, if they really wanted to piss people off they'd have made Harley Quinn enter the room and beat them both to a pulp

Iirc, aren't feminists atm trying to cencel anyone who propogates the "Karen" meme?

I wouldn't call Harley Quinn a mary-sue. She's been wrong almost every episode.

Wait what, this is news to me. Makes sense since classic soccer moms aka karens are prudish and have the same values as feminists

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No? The only people that are pissed about being called Karens, are middle aged white women.

I'm not an expert, but all I see on twitter about Karens is pure ridicule and contempt

No, conservative white women are the ones screeching that Karen is racist
It's ok for me to say Karen though, I have a white friend

Depends on who's delivering it. A friendly or neutral party? Could be funny. Someone who has actively stated they hate X type of people? Comes off as less of a joke and more a "Lol, fuck you desu -u-"

Sad hardly anyone in universe acknowledges that. I think the Freeze episode was the only one that did, but have yet to see repercussions. Even the season finale quickly brushed Harley's fuck ups under the rug pretty dam fast.

Nerds/geeks have always been the butt of jokes and that still hasn't changed even though nerd culture is mainstream.

>this show is shit
>watch it
>okay lets watch more

this isn't taking a jab at anyone it's trying to coerce the people who hate it by acknowledging them. It's the worst kind of pandering, to hatewatchers.

No. They're calling it "sexist". Where did "racist" come from?

Some people don't understand self-deprecation and feel belittled themselves when someone similar to them mocks themselves.

Because it's used against white conservatives, and white conservatives are the most aggrieved population in the country.

Harley feet pics drew me in but now I just enjoy it.

Because it comes off as very pretentious and "HURR DURR IM BETTUR THAN YOUZZZ"

>Because it's used against white conservatives, and white conservatives are the most aggrieved population in the country.

when you’re superior like white men objectively are, “equality” is actually oppression.

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Have sex

let them have their laugh while they can, dc is going the way the dodo, we can piss on the production staffs grave after AT&T sell them off

Nigger, it's old feminists raging about i5

>neckbeards make fun of a cartoon for being feminist, virtue-signalling, poorly written, white-bashing, male-bashing, bad animation, bad jokes
>cartoon makes fun of neckbears

Game Stop is a better place to work at.

>Actually thinking this

How? Best Buy isn't making their employees work in the middle of a plague.

snyderfags can't let go
they should just be glad he's making a movie for netflix, at least there his vision will be completely unrestricted


It's old women. They're not pro-choice, or care about other feminist issues. It's just middle aged women that don't like being the butt of the joke. The joke which, apparently, you don't get.

>he got baited on twitter
literally click on the user and it says it's a parody account


I don’t know or care what this is.

This "joke" was extremely inaccurate, it portrayed geeks doing and saying stuff no real geek would ever do. We watch hentai on our own, not with friends around.

I don't care

This site thinks snyder is a hack.

They know it will. They're probably in these threads laughing at all the shitflinging. It's why they do it.

oh...user...you didn't hear?

Are you saying that old woman can't be feminists? Because it all started because Julie Bindel (A second wave feminist)got angry at the Karen jokes

No, I'm saying that there are two different set groups. Old Women, and Old Feminists. Karens are Old Women, not Old Feminists.

What? Did you get it from EvS or something?

>Why are you people so sensitive and unable to take even the most lighthearted joke at your expense?
Depends who's making the joke, and the intent behind it. If it's the people who've taken control of DC or Marvel punching downwards at the nerds who were their traditional audience, it's unlikely to go over well.

Yeah but old feminists are mad about it too. That's what i'm saying

Because fucking no one likes a "professional" youtube cartoon reviewer. Any mockery they receive is completely deserved

Retail jobs, McDonalds, the cool ones that are the King Nerds work in comic or trendy old used video and record stores.

fuck no, got it from Motley Foo
AT&T are divesting significantly

Sounds like it's just one, but okay bro. The women protesting quarantine are almost exclusively called Karens, and they sure as hell aren't feminists.

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