Does anyone else remember Clarence?

does anyone else remember the cartoon network show Clarence? it ran for like 4 years and ended in 2018. i remember it getting a lot of hate, and i never understood why.

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it got hate because people back then thought every cartoon needed to have an overarching plot and storyline

Didn't the original show runner have a mental breakdown?

Yes. Which pretty much tainted the show in CN's eyes, which is why the rest of it barely got any promotion.

Clarence is probably my favorite cartoon of the last 10 years.

I was watching a couple of episode on netflix. The thing, for every 7 mediocre episodes, there are one that are very good (the first episode, the fries, sumo’s boat, benson and clarence in the zoo)

She was one cute muppet.

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i like it. still trying to find dl's of it. glad CN is still showing reruns.


Pure kino, it was like Hey Arnold mixed with Spongebob and it's a shame what all happened.

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shouldnt sumo be the mutt?

Thoughts on Jeff?

Same. There's really nothing like it. Which is weird, because it's just some kids in a cul-de-sac. It's like Stranger Things without the stranger things.

God why does cucktoon network keep making cartoons with completely awful art styles lately

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Kill yourself pedo, that show is 6 years old

>that show is 6 years old

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Didn't you used to like Clarence's lolis?

Amy was cute, the show should have been about her desu

It looks like shit. Fuck it and all of you.


psycho with narcissism problems.

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i hope to god you didn't say that but find OK KO looks good.

>new clarence porn comic looks good
>has spider-gwen, chad being unfaithful and incest

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Excuse me

clarence is kino

He's not too bad

A little uptight but Malessica will break him into a proper gentleman in time.

It was a good show. Didn't like the ending though, like it just ended because it got cancelled.
Any time Clarence's mom was on screen was the best time.

Even without her, he seems cool as long as you don't make him mad

All I remember was it had my fetish for a whole episode but Clarence ruined it...

Also Jeff

You're a Jeff fan, too?

Jeff and Breehn. Yessir

Cool. Why?

Jeff reminds me of me honestly. Also he’s a total fag

Breehn is just adorable really...