What did we think about enid from ok ko?

What did we think about enid from ok ko?

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i miss enid and the show itself

Too much ass

I like her mom better

Not enough Werepire stuff.

She was boring. Rad was easily the best character
And yes, her mom is hotter

I liked her, but that could just my preference for big sis types talking

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i think she has the second best ass after her mom

No we should talk about indoctrinating children with gun control politics in cartoons

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>Nice goin miss Enid's mom!

She was good. A fine example of how to do the "cool big-sis figure with her own issues" character type well.

Also, dat entire lower body. Goddamn.

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Bunny Enid was the best thing to come out of the show.

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I'd hit it.

I dislike her character but shes hot

Enid or her mom?

shut up. u are skeleton nao

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Shy Ninja was a better ninja.

I don't want to be bread.

idk but I'd love to be an a universe so based you could turn into your fursona and all you have to do is get bit by some other fursona

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hot garbage

>Too much ass
not such a thing

Was that in this show? I only watched a few episodes
>K.O. vs Rad was K I N O

>Mom slapping her daughter's fat ass
my penis.

"Skeleton Remote" was a hamfisted analogy for "GUNS R BAD".

You think they ever experimented?

She's a thousand year old vampire, they probably did and she just wiped Enid's memory

For the sake of my sick fantasies, yes.

Why do you think Enid's bisexual?


Same here user. Weirdly Zig Forums really hated this show while it was airing. It's only after it ended that I've seen more people missing it.
Also apparently some higher ups at CN also really hated it which is why it's gone, according to that tweet Ian made after it ended.