Crossdressing/R63 thread

Which male Zig Forums character would be a good girlfriend?

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Bugs Bunny

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Timmy Turner
Bugs Bunny

How so?

How do I get a crossdressing girlfriend(male)?

Of course Bugs, but have you also rated Daffy?

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Not bad

>Marco starts kidnapping people and forcing them to use the princess chair.
>They become his army of princesses to recruit more.

Just find someone with the right face, and gift lace lingerie.

>Mind control and crossdressing

p-pls Dipper
sometimes I wish I could be brainwashed into a cute crossdressing girlfriend

Brainwash me in drag pls?


Hate mind control
I like when they love just being in dresses on their own

Infinite worlds theory suggests there is already a universe in which Marco's princesses have successfully taken over.

Same here. Mind control, hypnosis, humiliation...none of it does anything for me.

It's not about porn user. It's about being a girly parody of zombie flicks.

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I kinda just love mind changing because I have a lot of shame about being a pretty princess gf and want my head fixed to be a 100% perfect affectionate cutie for my boyfriend

Weird shit like this in cartoons is what made your parents turn off the TV when you were kids. Seems like for some of you, they should've turned off the TV more often. Imagine being at a family event and a kids watching this show on the living room TV, or a gathering at a restaurant with a TV. All normal, functional people would see this and change the channel or turn it off. Cartoons nowadays are made by weirdos, for weirdos, and with the prospect to groom more weirdos.

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Idk, Avatar had a whole episode where they stick their macho hunter character in a dress and that was nearly 20 years ago

okay boomer

>implying both user and Clint Eastwood are boomers
You are fucking retarded. Clint was 1930, about 16 years before Gen W, and user is, well, user. Unless he's somewhere between the ages of 56 and 74, he isn't one.

i want to mating press princess marco so bad

kys boomer

What do you think that world would look like?

Classic boomer

Overrun with lace doilies. A global economy based on production of tiaras. 50% of school curriculum is elocution. Any job that normally required a uniform now utilizes a specific gown based uniform. Military in tactical corsets with armored hoop skirts.

My friend's mom who is a devoted christian saw this and thought a guy in a dress is funny.

I'm with you on the mind control/hypnosis side of things, but I find a low level humiliation/embarrassment hot. Like they have reservations about the whole thing and wouldn't want people to know, but they enjoy it so much they cant stop.

Only Jose Carioca.

>Cartoons nowadays are made by weirdos, for weirdos, and with the prospect to groom more weirdos.
Drag Bugs Bunny is something boomer made, so it's their fault if I support lgbtq rights.
