ITT: Times where racelift was good

ITT: Times where racelift was good

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Who can play the Kingpin as a black guy?

He just had the right presence. Excellent Kingpin, and I'm saddened he didn't get to reprise the role. Though D'onofrio was perfect in the Netflix series.


I admittedly was one of the few naysayers who was opposed to this back when it was announced he was playing Fisk. But then I actually saw it and he was one of the only two good parts about the movie. If only blackwashing could go as right as this when they actually pick talented people for the rolls to make you forgive it.

why didn't he use his green mile powers to suck out Daredevil's blindness

They really should have released the director's cut of the movie. It added so much more to the story, and it was cool seeing Matt play detective. Made me think Affleck would be a decent Batman.

I've argued this for years. Had the directors cut dvd before knowing much about Faverau. Its excellent.

It really just makes me think "What if?", you know? A proper Daredevil sequel, and a crossover with Toby's Spider-man would have been amazing.

The guy who did the voice of Kingpin was black and holy fuck. He is legit the most PERFECT Kingpin we will ever hear.

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Was James Gandolfini dead by the time the Daredevil movie was out? I'd like to have seen him as the Kingpin.

I only saw him in a fanvid as Kingpin vs Spider-Man and I agree

Imagine the smell

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What if Superman was from China?
How would the story change?

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Unironically Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury

Like, he was born in China instead of Krypton?

Batman v Superman would be a very different movie

He was great, but the only person who should play Kingpin is pic related

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he'd spend alot more time saving people from poor infrastructure

I guess like the same story but he looks Asian and lands in like Beijing or somewhere else instead

Him being born in China could be interesting too didn't think of it.

Lois & Clark?

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Still shit compared to classic Fury and even Ultimate Fury so... why you think he's the best Fury?

He eats Krypto


That’s Japanese.

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Wouldn't that just be Superman: Red Son again?

Is it good?

This is the difference between how well things can work when casting the best actor you can get for the role, irrespective of race, and deliberately racebending a character just for attention or agenda, irrespective of the actor's talent and whether they're right for the role.

Not really they have completely different culture and history

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Surprisingly consistent.

Red Son with Chinese characteristics

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I mean China unlike the Soviet Union rarely ever invaded anyone so the story would be more internal.

The other being the soundtrack?