In Zig Forums media why are masturbation jokes only directed towards guys, dont girls fap as well?

In Zig Forums media why are masturbation jokes only directed towards guys, dont girls fap as well?

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American puritanism.

that looks like a normal reaction to someone masturbating in the middle of the kitchen

Because women don't fap, they schlick

>don't girls fap as well?
considering "fap" is the word used to describe the sound when you're rubbing your dick, i would say: no
girls "schlick". And that action simply is not as funny as rubbing your dick to shoot white stuff out of it.

>girl with a vibrator/dildo
>you go girl! Strong independent women!
>guy with a fleshlight
>haha loser. Gross! Creep! Incel!

That 70s show made a joke about Donna.
She catches Eric jerking off. Then later in the episode Donna talks about masturbation being normal and he should just play music and light some candles.

Eric then notices all the candles in Donna room have been used and he's never seen them lit.

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Morty says he's done it in ever room of the house, so surely he's 'compared notes' with the other Morties from other dimensions, right?


Girls fapping aren't as funny
They are pretty hot tho

She's angry at him for not masturbating with her panties

In the flash rick and morty game, Rick finds Summer's hitachi wand.

because guys jacking it is gross, girls masturbating is sexy, and americans cant handle sexy. there's a bunch of weird rules in american TV too, like for the most part girls can't get involved in slapstick because VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN and all that shit.

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What about a guy with a vibrator/dildo?

If only we can see Morty schmeaty

You have to watch that other cartoon about teen sexuality if you want jokes about goal tending.

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Women do masturbate but on average have a weaker libido than men, which probably contributes to there being less cultural comedic touchstones of masturbation mishaps. It's why the usual bit is walking in on men doing it, while the closest equivalent involving women is in finding their dildos.

>its another episode of why are men and women not treated exactly the same
when will incels and feminists just fucking get over it

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Double creepy, unless he talks with a lisp in which case he's also so brave, but less so than a woman because he doesn't have a vagina.

Like you haven't wanted to watch yourself jack off

There's a decent amount of girl masturbation jokes in shows/movies
-Hey Arnold
-Family Guy
-Married With Children
-Drawn Together
-Not Another Teen Movie
-The To-Do List
all have gags about jilling off, and that's just off the top of my head

>goal tending

schlicking, paffing, waving to the little man in the canoe, whatever you like to call it.

for the same reason other types of gross humor and nudity jokes arent directed at women, women's bodies are sexualized while mens are deemed as default and meaningless

Pretty based sex toy

You're all overcomplicating this. Dicks are funny. Pussies aren't. Dicks are clumsy, flopping, graceless objects. They're also more expressive. The image of a man masturbating is fundamentally different from the image of a woman masturbating. Why would anyone pretend to not understand this?

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Didn't realize that 70s show was Zig Forums material

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Because you don't watch the shows with horny girls in it.

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They make jokes about Summer pissing herself a bunch though

It's the only show I could think of with a masturbation joke at the female expense.

I think most "girls have dildos" jokes would be the equivalent.

Not Zig Forums, but one that always stuck with me was Panty and Stocking having the items in their room transform and Stocking's was a bunch of mundane items followed by "Big Dildo"

She's really perverted like i wouldn't be surprised is she eventually gets a shotacon fetish and stares stashing cp

That's Justin's fetish

Are there ANY episodes from that show that have just the characters, I dont know, talking with one another? Getting to know each other? Showing a sweet and human, if not vulnerable and personally (not sexually) intimate, side that make them worth investing without ending in cynicism?

I've never seen it but I don't want to assume it's TOO innaccesible (as in not have something for everybody). Even Rick and Morty had an episode where Morty not only goes to some fantasyland to prove Rick is flexible with his demand but even has the latter kill a bean person after finding out it's real nature.

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Because Summer would rather be choked.

Schlicking sounds pretty hilarious to me, kinda seems like you don't have a lot of experience with vaginas

Archer's another.

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Archer did it i guess