Name a character that could defeat him

Name a character that could defeat him

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None, he's too fucking powerful

Kamen Rider Black RX

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Timmy Turner from the beach episode

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Enter CHADren

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What movie or show is that from?

Son of the Mask


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What is this?


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Why he bee lookin like jollibee tho

I'm just gonna be a faggot and say that old shit Rick Sanchez

He’s a child with cartoon powers

Theodore Roosevelt the most based president ever could beat any fictional character in a 1v1

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When you realize this movie is more scarier than stupid horror trying too hard to be scary.

maybe a good VFX artist

My cock

Leave baby from son of the me...

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nigga you can't even fight depression

while i don't recall wearing such stunning attire, i still don't know jack shit about combat apart from "bite", and maybe "scratch" if i happened to forget to clip my fingernails

i'm flattered, though

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Is it wrong to say that I had an idea for a sequel to "Son of the Mask", it's about the kid was born of the mask Alvey, now a preteen, being the ultimate class clown in his school with his Mask, but his father Tim, now divorced from his wife because movies, is concerned about him causing too much trouble and not trying hard enough to be a normal kid, then Alvey dates an new hot preteen girl to the school, they have dinner at Alvey's house with him, his father, the girlfriend, and her father, but then Loki barges in revealing that the father is really Hades and it was all a trick from him and his her daughter to get the mask cause the Avery's were the last beings on Earth who used the mask, so Hades takes Tim hostage and tells Alvey that if he doesn't hand over the mask to him by 3 Days tops he'll kill Tim and all hell would brake loose, but after Hades and his daughter leaves it turns out Loki kept it hidden in his coat to protect him, cause he wants Alvey to go to Edge City and find Stanley Ipkiss (played again by Jim Carey) to teach him and team up to fight against Hades (since he was the other person who recently used it) & Alvey can't use the mask himself cause if he does he'll overload with chaos and his body won't handle it and he'll most likely die (just a little foreshadowing for the movie's climax), so Alvey gets to Edge City, finds Stanley Ipkiss who's when shown the mask is paranoid about it, but after Alvey convinces Stanley (by force) Stanley starts teaching him the ways of the mask, while Stanley having to deal with someone who crazier than even he can't handle also Alvey would ether be played by ether Jace Norman of "Henry Danger" fame (you know that superhero sitcom from Nickelodeon) or Thomas Kuc of "Game Shakers" fame (that sitcom which is basically iCarly but replace webshows with app games), I'm not sure which yet, but it has to be a blonde, good looking child actor around preteen or early teenager, I called "the Master's Mask"


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