Steven x spinel thread

Steven x spinel thread

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not again Steven! He can't keep getting away with it!

I wanna fuck spinel

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Mahmapuu reignited my love for Spinel, which I have mixed feeling about

I gotta be honest, I’m not really into her anymore. I prefer regular Stevinel

Stevinel is cute. Cute!
But Lapiven is cuter

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I don’t know why people think this means spinel loves steven, this was just a reference to how Bugs Bunny kisses his opponents to annoy them

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Heart eyes

Bugs doesn't have hearts in his eyes when he does it, though.

Trips of truth. Japan is pretty shitty with their focus on tropes and archetypes, but they are 100% right with heart eyes being romance focused. So right that it is possibly they only good thing SU emulated.

But she wasn't trying to annoy him with the kiss. 'Also

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Why do people like Stevinel? He clearly doesn't like her and is uncomfortable with her kissing and hugging him.

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>He clearly doesn't like her and is uncomfortable with her kissing and hugging him.

That's it right there. People like the idea of Spinel going all Pepe Le Pew on Steven.

How do you go from this...

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Tsundere, baka

I’m just curious to see where this goes.

to this?

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Different artists and to be fair, that was an early sketch

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>spinel murder-cocked Steven
Well that's a twist

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She doesn’t have a gem on his belly, so I guess spinel wasn’t stupid like rose and didn’t pass her gem to her daughter (they said rose could’ve save herself) also, even if she doesn’t have a gem, im pretty sure Steven’s cum can give his powers to his offspring

Oh, of course.

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Spinel's gem is on her chest.

She looks like Paca's daughter from Emperor's New Groove

>that kid
dios mio... la atrocidad

Okay I keep seeing someone say Rose could give birth without giving up her gem granted it's probably still the same person can you please show me a source or any ounce of evidence that it's possible for a gem to give birth to a living human child without giving up their physical form

Anyone got that fanchild with long pink hair?

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