
Attached: WB presents The Man Who Really Thought He Could Pull This Haircut Off.jpg (320x234, 22.96K)

This “man” looks how Dobson acts.

Seeing who works in the industry these days really explains why quality has become so shit.

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>That filename

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Life imitates art

Is that Mew2King?

Were the comics and cartoon industries always full of disgusting Wendigs and Xehuggers like this, or is it a modern development?

Man buns need to die ASAP.
>Wojak posting
I hope that you’re being ironic.

>I hope that you're being ironic

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Vintage DCope

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Is he the guy who tried to get Warner to make Blacked Flintstones?

have you seen the more recent dude with cotton candy hair??? Can't recall what cartoon staff he is from but holy shit, Its legit a bright pink swirl.

You have to be 18 to post here, kid

>You have to be 18 to post here, kid

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Oh fuck isn't he on the R&M staff?

>t. ugleh

They are still more successful then any of you losers will ever be.

Hi, Vic

for big 2 capeshit at least, the fanboy takeover is pretty recent, up until the 80s and early 90s there were still real badasses around, like Jim Shooter and Larry Hama

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Yep, found the summerfag

seethe harder

That creature has been poisoning Marvel for over 25 years.

Dobson looks like Dobson acts

fuck this stupid thread

it would be so easy to destroy you. I'm giving you one last chance to stop replying before i greentext you again

You wanna know what's sad? The man ponytail/bun whatever the fuck you call it is very popular in SoCal. I used to live in San Diego and without fail I would see numerous flamboyant faggots with manbuns walking on the side walks, and yes they dye their hair.

Yes, and he wore an Antifa shirt to work.

He actually made a decent show with ThunderCats Roar. It's a goofy, fun show that pays homage to the original in creative ways.
I know the show was basically dead on arrival, but I hope he finds success in another project.

Also, all the fags in here may act like he's a soiboi betacuck or whatever hip new insult is out this week, but he actually kept his mouth shut and didn't use social media to attack "critics" or "fans" despite all the personal attacks they were throwing at him.
That makes him based to me. Or at least as based as someone with a manbun can be.

waste of quints


what ever you say summer fag

You're just some nazis that need to be punched! via twitter screenshots and tumblr posts

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Fuck Nazis. You guys used to be cool but now all you do is cry and cry and cry about all the mean ol' soi boys.