Demon themes in indi animations

Why are SO MANY independent animated projects created by famous online animators related to hell/demonds? It's almost a requirement at this point.

Some examples off the top of my head
>Hazbin Hotel/Hevual boss
>Welcome to hell
>Voo dont
>Becky Prim
>Hell Benders
>Leo & Satan
>Flex caliber

Any logical explanations/theories for the phenomenon?

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People like to be edgy.

horns > hair

Edgy and you must distance yourself from icky Christianity. Also, adrenochrome privileges

>Hazbin Hotel

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edgekin's idea of subverting expectations grown out of a childhood submerged in American puritanism.

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Because Hell is fascinating.
There are endless possibilities you can do with it, and you can make the characters morally ambiguous, which is fun

Familiar setting that can easily be sold and designs retain that 'evil but wacky' flair. Honestly I really don't know, maybe it's just a fluke as what's hot right now. It's not like alot of those cartoons (except Hazbin and Helluva) were expected to become popular by their creators.

I heard from a friend who works at some publishing house that 'demons doing this stuff' has become such a common pitch that they started throwing the in the trash soon as they pop up. Not sure what is with the draw to demons and hell but it's not isolated.

They are literal satanists, who think they are ironic statanists

>so common they started throwing in the trash

please let this be true

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RIP Soldier

all those people grew up watching billy and mandy


The common pitches that come in either have to do with superheroes or demons. Most of which apparently rarely break new or interesting ground. He told me they still read them but they're usually shit.

>a setting about suffering, pain and degeneracy
>"Um why do people use this as a setting?"
Hell is just full of interesting people.

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>"it's fun and interesting"
This answer isn't satisfactory and lacks an actual explanation for this setting in particular. There are many alternatives to a fantasy setting of interesting characters like fairytale creatures or pirates or aliens.

So again, why is it specifically hell? Because it's edgy? How is edgyness a favorable and desired factor for a cartoon?

Most of those projects are straight death, user.

>Becky Prim
That was ghosts dude.
Demon Becky was proto becky but was changed for her current design.

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That just proved OPs point

There's less creative thought that needs to go in when you say 'Hell'. The instant you say it as a setting then the image is clear of black skies, burning pits, demons. It's ingrained in cultures so no matter what way you spin it there will be that base description to build from.

Compared to if you had to build a new location from scratch then alot more questions need to be answered to help sell the setting.

Speaking as someone who writes edgy stuff that isn't really focused around Hell but does contain it.

...I don't know.

>aliens/pirates/fairy tales
Done to death. Space settings were popular in the mid to late 20th century but sci fi in general has waned now. Fractured fairy tales have been done to death and most fantasy settings rely on the same old boring tropes with any attempt to deviate from it being fairly shitty. Pirates have sadly never been a big setting minus a few rare occassions like the Depp movies.

Many of the settings, sci fi especially, usually have a positive outlook on humanity and the future. People are more miserable and pessimistic now, so Hell fits.

Also, stop saying "edgy." It's such a buzzword and, while it fits something like Hazbin Hotel, I don't think anyone who has watched Santina would describe it as remotely edgy.

But all the iconography and theology of hell and demons these things use are Christian ones.

A contact of mine told me that Rick and Morty has poisoned the well for sci-fi based pitches currently. When it got big there were networks greenlighting shows similar to it in order to get that audience. Alot of them didn't manage to hit target and people were still pitching them. It's not necessarily if your show has future or sci-fi elements that might get it a pass now but if it's got space travel, visiting other planets then that won't do you a favor.

>8 examples, some from before 2010
nice sample size you got there

So to summarize...laziness and an unwillingness to be creative, right?

Which of those examples came out before 2010?

The concepts just work better for marketing in alot of these. It's easier to sell Hell than make a totally new place. Let's be honest the recent three (Hazbin, Helluva and Satina) are not that strong in writing. The core concepts work, Helluva works better than Hazbin at least but in execution they just need a writing team.

Making Hell related cartoons dates back to the late 1920s and early 1930s. It is a tradition in animation and an easily understood concept that requires little to no exposition.

>hell is marketable
To who? I only people who I imagine this would appeal to is teenagers and leftist millenials

Many of them are also at least a year apart from each other.

Bullshit. During that time it was standard for cartoon characters to be humanoid animals. The hell stuff wasn't a focus or a theme but rather to serve as a gag

the same people who like post apocalypse settings
oh and also people who like horror settings

Not for a whole series, but a lot of series would have a short set in Hell.

Yeah, so teenagers and leftist millenials.

Wow that totally will appeal to most people and not have a fringe cult following of autists and faggots

>trying to turn this into more political shit

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Maybe its just time for demons to be the "thing" like vampires where the "thing" or when zombies where the "thing"

Maybe demons we'll replace super heroes as the "thing".