Zig Forums General Drawthread

Previous: >Provide references for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests Zig Forums related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

>Collection of Deliveries:

>Drawfriends Gallery List:

NSFW deliveries and requests should be posted in

Attached: Harley Playing with Legos.png (1684x1406, 555.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting either Batman/Terry Mcginis x Spider Girl/Mayday Parker or Batman/Terry Mcginis vs Spider Girl/Mayday Parker.

Attached: BB and SG.jpg (600x603, 93.43K)

Requesting Kermit singing "Once in a Lifetime", with Anne and Froppy as his backup singers, please.

Attached: talking frogs.jpg (2000x2000, 551.29K)

Requesting girl with little clothing in sexual pose

Attached: she never gets drawthread requests she's underrated and original.png (2000x3200, 514.07K)

Requesting Miss Quantum in her Bad Apple costume, taking a bite out of an apple with a wicked look on her face.

Attached: Bad Apple.jpg (1510x1239, 328.27K)

Requesting some interpretation of kid/young BW. Maybe like a side by side picture of then, and now. For ref, BW is 18 years old.

Attached: little.jpg (1992x1037, 802.39K)

Requesting the White Spider Rabbit!

Attached: The White Spider Rabbit.png (1324x841, 2.13M)

Since its mermay, requesting harley quinn as a mermaid in the same situation as pic related

Attached: a29cad2594a632ca6690b00ebeb714aa58ea9538.png (1925x1487, 480.72K)

requesting a giant kaiju/godzilla like april from the rise of the tmnt series with leo or raph yelling at Donnie "what did you do?!"

Attached: kaiju april.jpg (1280x1024, 181.15K)

Requesting Numbuh 86 all beatin up after an afternoon of fighting against adult tyranny.

Attached: Fanny Fulbright.png (1080x1622, 2.63M)

requesting the Connors from the Spiderman comic series at the beach in swim wear and on vacation maybe with sunglasses.

Attached: the conners on vacation.jpg (1280x1024, 278.95K)

damn you guys are fast

Requesting the bottom pic with Lila Mayfield, wearing the dress of the top right ref.

Attached: lil.jpg (948x1156, 267.49K)

Requesting a busty demon version of the Raven/Sucy fusion (girl in middle-right) summoning an eldritch horror made of mushrooms

Attached: Suven the legendary demon.jpg (3057x1190, 308.39K)

Requesting the blacked couch meme with the 6 corona-chan variants shown. Have Winnie the Pooh in the girl's place with the china stars on his red shirt.

Attached: sixcoronasonechinkbear.png (2188x1737, 2.39M)

Requesting Cassiopeia Quinn wearing a Tron-style outfit.

Attached: cassiopeiatron.png (1526x905, 1.85M)

Requesting Steven dressed as Leatherface

Attached: 6AA3D9BB-F0B1-43F2-B8F2-E1CB23FD6DFE.jpg (1758x1437, 386.39K)

Requesting insectoid (?) fusion

Attached: Bug-like aliens.jpg (2048x1612, 285.51K)

im upset how quickly i realized that was the lego harley design

Requesting Glimmer, Queen Angella and Castaspella doing this pic related.

Attached: Glimmer's Threesome.jpg (2668x2212, 928.24K)

How likely is it for a request to be fulfilled the next thread? Better question: how do you drawfriends choose whoch requests you wanna draw?

Requesting violet as a mermaid

Attached: 5A1A8AEC-1E15-4BDA-A39E-AB64A309E129.jpg (360x360, 14.98K)

Requesting Tulip dressed as The Usherette from the Rocky Horror Show in either version of these two costumes. maybe with her singing "science Fiction Double Feature."

Attached: Usherette Tulip.png (826x911, 1.23M)

Someone else requested Eilonwy in this outfit (and whoever delivered it actually did a great job), so want to request Taran in the same outfit for the meme

Attached: keknstuf.png (1000x665, 658.13K)

that's funny

This isn't working.

Attached: sw w.jpg (2000x1876, 788.39K)

Requesting Reggie sitting on top of a building similar to the right picture.

Attached: my body is reggie.png (1601x711, 1.3M)

Taran's a boy, user.

Requesting Livewire screaming and powering up like a DBZ character

Attached: Livewire supreme pile of references.jpg (2698x1608, 369.11K)

Requesting Mike Mazinsky (Mike Lu & Og) while she's in New York looking or on the island somehow discovering

of the attacks of September 11, 2001




Attached: mike.jpg (500x384, 36.22K)

>open ongoing thread
>go bottom up looking for reasonable requests I'd enjoy drawing or that have characters I like
>if I don't find anything I like do the same with the previous thread
>if I don't find anything there give up for the time being

That being said actually getting to drawing and finishing a request can vary and take time, if the thread dies before I can deliver I'll of course post in the next one. A few times it took me weeks to bring myself to finishing a drawing and then posting it in the tenth thread after the one it was requested in. I'm pretty sure I have half a dozen unfinished drawings from the past few weeks waiting for me to get motivated again somewhere.

I don't think it's very likely unless you spam it on every thread.

Cool, thanks. I'm just glad to know that some people take the time to check for requests lost in the crowd.

Requesting Zatanna and Raven as a stage magician team.

Attached: Z and R.png (1329x698, 1.33M)

Requesting the Mad Hatters fighting like this

Attached: D4881056-D37F-4CCB-9E2A-64C02F4BD1DE.png (566x493, 474.28K)

Requesting some cheesecake art of She-Hunk from Johnny Bravo.

Attached: She-Hunk.png (1260x743, 749.71K)

/r/ing olga pataki showing up to her student teaching job drunk and embarrassing helga

Attached: Student_Teacher.jpg (768x576, 254.58K)

Requesting Candela (the Gypsy girl from the right) dressed as Candela (the Pokemon Go girl from the left)

Attached: burning request.png (1024x921, 618.61K)

Requesting Splinter drinking Vodka

Attached: splinter taught them to remove lips.png (893x1188, 630.28K)

Requesting fusion

Attached: toph and some ninjas fusion.png (1600x1600, 331.48K)

Requesting your waifu dressed like this

Attached: Nina_TTT2_art_3_by_Shunya_Yamashita.jpg (700x893, 220.31K)