Attached: FireShot Capture 345 - Kevin Williams on Twitter_ _SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT_ According to tee_ - twitter.com.png (594x723, 272.21K)

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kek. sorry story arc fags. The king is back and no one's stopping him. I personally am going to be enjoying bling bling boy with another failed attempt to get his hands on the Susan coochie.

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Why was this festering vomit bag of a show even considered for a revival, let alone possibly 2?


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>outlives every single 2010s cartoon
Name another show this powerful.

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Unironically a based cartoon. Johnny is like TTG but it doesn't spend whole episodes seething over haters. It's a bunch of Canada nerds making what they think is funny.

Bitch, please.
This was proto-TTGO

Can someone do a Chad edit of Johnny Test?

Seethe harder testhater

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>A proper reboot with the original cast
I never thought I'd see that phrase used in the same sentence as Johnny Test...

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>but it doesn't spend whole episodes seething over haters
that’s the best part tho

The later episodes weren't good, but the antagonists were generally interesting and the original run had its moments. I only ever watched it when it was the only cartoon on.

>Darth vegan and his daughter
>Bling bling
>The ice dude

Make way for pickle Johnny!

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What if the TV reboot actually ends up being good?

>With the original cast

To think Johnny Test out of all things has more respect for the fanbase than Final Fantasy...

Only if the original was good.
So, no hope there.

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Oop! I can’t watch this show anymore. My iq is too low

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Don’t forget Tinymon and Blast Ketchup!

Isn't it too early to revive Johnny Test? It's only been 5 and a half years since it ended.

There's already been 3 reboots of Spiderman not even decades away user.

I can't even be mad. This is impressive.

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HOLY BASED. 2005 and still going strong. Meanwhile SUbhumans are still jerking off their dead show.

>Looney Tunes
>Spider Man
>Ben 10

>All iconic properties that generates millions to the studios
Johnny Test is nothing compared to those

Teletoon can't bring back Ed Edd n Eddy so this is one of their biggest properties besides total drama.

I meant to remove the eee part after I edited it to say teletoon instead of Canada. Ignore that.

Johnny is so based that not even coronachan can stop his dad from recording lines. instagram.com/p/B_lnZWUAikg/

Season 1 was good. They just need to go back to that version.

>Johnny Test not only comes back, but gets TWO reboots
>Meanwhile, your favorite show is dead in the water
Why is this world so unjust? I feel that season one of Johnny Test was legitimately enjoyable.

Is that confirmed that's him recording for the new show?

How does that even happen? How does that make any sense?

He tagged it with Johnny Test and it sounds like Johnny's dad.

It's getting a large reaction out of people. If it gets peoples attention, they've done their job right. Attention = money, positive or negative.

We're all focusing on Pickle Johnny and overlooking what is quite clearly Johnny Universe/Steven Test sitting right next to him.

You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me. I thought by eliminating half of Cartoon Network, the other half would thrive. But you've shown me, that's impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.

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Who the fuck asked for this? Johnny Test lasted for 9 years, it doesn't need a revival. Tons of other shows got cancelled early, yet they don't get shit.

George of the Jungle 2017 reboot was unironically kino, maybe this won't be bad either

We keep winning /testchads/

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Is that his original VA?

It was Canada's main export during that time. With the global economy going to shit Canada is forced to take desperate measures. They may even have to bring Rush back. Pert or no Pert.