JSA Storytime: Transformers

Good evening owls and robofuckers,

Back to Titans and waifu

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Howdy, ST. How's things for you tonight?

Hello, Storyteller.

This arc is fun so far, and I am very much looking forward to a thing I know about.

Feeling better than last night, was kind of laggy/out of sorts. Also, bought booze, and doing some other general retail therapy.

Also why the fuck is Varg Vikernes shitposting about Tifa??????

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You scamps got up to shit after I left the thread last night, lol

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>Also why the fuck is Varg Vikernes shitposting about Tifa??????
Dunno but it's a gift to be alive to see it.

>Also why the fuck is Varg Vikernes shitposting about Tifa??????
The world was supposed to destroy itself decades ago and is continually resorting to weirder and weirder events to keep it from happening.

>laggy/out of sorts
>retail therapy
Same here.

Yup. Us kids git ta rasslin' when Ma ain't 'round.

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The Drake meme but it's Varg with Aerith and Asuka and Euronymous with Tifa and Rei.

Tifa can't win. Either someone hates her tits or is angry they aren't bigger. Well fuck that, she's a sweet and wholesome girl next door with a go-getter attitude and doubts about being an eco-terroist. Also she destroys giant monsters by punching them a lot until they turn into dust. But sure, let's everyone just whine about her tits, cause that's fuckin' reasonable.

Cranky please get into an argument with Varg Vikernes online.

So, uhhh. I think I have to run a betting pool on whether FF7R will do the Big Traumatic Event halfway through or subvert it somehow, because if they play it straight the screaming of people who somehow?? were unspoiled?? would be the most beautiful thing ever

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>bUt user tHe'Yre a rEAliStiC cUP siZE

Who's the waifu?

>tfw your creators get you breast reduction surgery to make the "boobs too big" people happy but now nobody's happy

My money's on them subverting it, but the salt if they don't will be *chef's kiss*.

Depending on your tastes, Windblade, Chromia or Metroplex.


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Windblade, I assume.

Life taught me that with FF7 you choose both and with Eva you choose neither, they are both shit.

Is Sparkstalker just a recolored Swerve?

The hilarious part is he's actually bitching her titties are TOO big, which is the opposite of most of the gamer outrage was

I'm so glad these two get married in the poetry issue.

Prostitute characters are always contentious.

The official statement is that despite the meta narrative, things will play out pretty much the same. If true, then the thing has to happen, but they will almost certainly have an entire segment dedicated to "No Cloud, you have to accept it.". I'm thinking mako poisoning, seems a good place to to put that.

Windblade, of course.

Do such people even exist?

She's a martial artist/bartender/eco-terrorist, not a prostitute.

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you wouldn't think it, but a lot of people weren't spoiled for shit like the stuff in the first book of ASOIAF or the Red Wedding, lol

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We stan a feminist king

There are people shitting themselves in rage because of EVA spoilers so someone somewhere managed to stay unspoiled for Aerith's death

Zoomers who never went to that one likely defunct pornsite?
IIRC the meme was that Aeris was one, because she was selling flowers when she met Cloud and seemed oddly knowledgeable about the human traffickers in the "dress up Cloud" portion of the game. I kind of doubt it myself.

People who will pretend do, at least.

>the Red Wedding
Those reaction videos were delicious.

10th for Tarn's mask is stupid.

>There are people shitting themselves in rage because of EVA spoilers
Ok, this is hilarious.

That's one I forgot to mention, Tifa's an independent business owner as well. She's actually got quite a lot going for her as a character, with a full, busy life. But all anyone ever talks about is her boobs. It's fucking disgusting, frankly.

I'd bitch about this being a fanservice ruining everything thing, but Tifa's not even particularly fanservicey. This stupidity is inexplicable.

I loved every minute of those

also the guy who was trolling people back in the LOTR movie days by saying Legolas died

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I always prefered her over Aerith and Sword girl in 6 over Terra.

The RW book chapter is actually written as the most obnoxious author fakeout so honestly, I'm fine with people being mad at it.

BTW tonight's free opera is Luisa Miller

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People get super anal-rentive over character design user, do you not remember the fits people pitched over Superman not having his underwear on the outside anymore? People shout about tits because tits were what was changed.

Dude it's Varg. He's literally a Nazi murderer who thinks writing is Jewish propaganda and LotR is a secret pagan text.

Exactly! The Remake is surrisingly light on fanservice and not very male gaze-y, but let's #cancel Tifa for having big tits I guess.

I bet most of them are all about body acceptance of other types, too.

>I'd bitch about this being a fanservice ruining everything thing, but Tifa's not even particularly fanservicey. This stupidity is inexplicable.
It's something to do with childhood/teenage years crushes.

If you're recommending it I take it it's a good one?

Also show GoT turned bad when they pussied out on UnCat

Tifa is honestly one of my favorite characters of all time. Just like how Aerith is a subversion of the typical White Mage pure shrine maiden personality, Tifa is a kickass Monk who's also incredibly tender and caring.

Yeah like many of my generation FFVII has a cringe-inducingly heavy importance to m

A shame I didn't like Scott Pilgrim that much


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>Superman's trunks
Well, yes. I feel that, cause the lack of trunks was dumb, and I will happily dunk on the Other M Varia Suit and it's plastic, piss yellow awfulness. But Tifa's Remake design is great.

>People shout about tits because tits were what was changed.
Except, they weren't. She's wearing a sports bra. Y'know, cause she's a martial artist. These people, I swear.

Most modern gamers are people who play one game per year maximum and only if enough facebook friends are talking about it. They also know zero about classics nor matter how popular they are among gamers or were.

The tits weren't even changed, outside of literally one cutscene near the end of the game that everyone always posts that gif from her tits are the exact same size as they were on her in-game PS1 model.
People were ready to complain about their size no matter what they ended up looking like because it suits their "women and SJWs are out to get me personally" narrative.

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I wasn't either though I knew zero about Game of Thrones till a year ago when a friend lend me his books. I simply do not engage in discussions of things I am not interested in so the only thing I knew about that series was that it was popular.
I even completely and 100% missed the Twilight and Harry Potter hype, I didn't even know those series existed till few years back because friends complained about it.

(sorry, spilled vodka)

not sure, I'm checking out the performance myself

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Aww Jeez, Titan Surgery?

God that toy is so shit

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