Do you think Arnold ever said racist shit to Gerald?

Do you think Arnold ever said racist shit to Gerald?

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I don't think Arnold ever said anything racist in his life.

Did he have yellow fever?

No, for he is a cartoon.

No, because he was a good friend

You mean Gerald?
Arnold only chase white bitches

No, because Arnold never viewed others solely on race.

Personally Arnold and Gerald seem like the type of guys who would casually say say racist stuff to each other for kicks while no hard feeling behind the words

El Viejas

He did seem to only like white meat though

>inner city kids
You REALLY think Gerald didn't say "Arnold mah nigga" even once?

We only see them as kids. I'm sure as they got older so did their jokes.

Aren't they in Seattle or New York?

Not everyone is a fat faggot with no friends like you OP.

And no random anons AREN'T your friends.


Well i WAS gonna get you a new Switch but fuck you faggot

It's a fictional city called Hillwood that's a combination of Seattle, Portland, and Brooklyn, and it's in Washington state,

No wonder it looks like shit

>Seattle or New York
I mean the city itself contradict itself. One episode it's NY, the next episode they live next to a big lake.

Attached: CityLake.jpg (340x255, 28.09K)

No, but he'd ocassionally make reference to Gerald as "one of the good ones".

Arnold is way too normal and well spoken to say something along those lines


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this. at worst, they said soft racist stuff that poked fun at the very idea of race. like addressing each other.
>muh mayonaise man is a brotha from anutha mutha.
>Hey, Stinky. Gerald's finally going to pull a few strings and get me into the country club. I'm going to eat shrimp cocktail, and it's not even a wedding!

Arnold would never say anything racist, but I can imagine him saying "what's up nigga," in a misguided attempt to seem cool.

No, but Gerald might have let slip a few remarks about Mr Hyunh behind his back. It's not his fault though, he picked it up from his dad.

Stinky says the n word

You mean Sid

you mean Curly

I could totally see Curly saying it.

Like any sensible man.

He was never the same after Rhonda hooked up with Jamie-O

I think the fat Jewish bully kid would have been the most likely to say some racist shit. I also think the show would have copped out on him actually having racist feelings so he'd probably say something without realizing what he was actually saying.

In fact, it'd just be the Porch Monkey scene from Clerks II but in middle school.

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No, like any good jew, Arnold kept that shit private. But you just know at night when he's eating motzo ball soup with granpa they're yukking it up in yiddish about that stupid schwarz.