Okay Zig Forums here's a question what is your as Patton Oswalt would put it "realm"...

Okay Zig Forums here's a question what is your as Patton Oswalt would put it "realm"? Basically what is something Zig Forums related in which you know way too fucking much about it you know the deep lore, the writers, the animators, and shit that probably the creator of that property doesn't even know

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Green Lantern

No really, it got to the point I thought THIS was a scary coincidence.

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I actively prevent myself going deep into any subject because I found it ruins my enjoyment more than anything

How autistic do we want to get?

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One time I gave a lecture on the in-canon history of the DC multiverse to my friends for fun. I even drew a chart and everything.

He killed his wife.

Do you still have it? Can I see it?

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I use to be a dictionary for DC and Marvel shit but that has long since passed. I only really have one Zig Forums related realm most of my knowledge lies in Zig Forums shit like One Piece and Baki I specifically know an autistic amount of info on the lore of One Piece

Show the chart

You should have recorded it and put it in youtube like those pcp lectures where they do tails got trolled and sonichu and shit

At this point, probably venture bros.

Also I've seen every episode of American dad an ungodly amount of times. I started writing out a viewer's guide to American dad at one point that outlined important points of progression, appearances of roger personas, things like that but lost interest.

Damn bro your autism bested mine not an insult actually impressed by that level of dedication

Don't have a Zig Forums realm but I know way too much about sea cucumbers. Have even written a few Wikipedia articles for some species.

I watched the Cat in the Hat (2003) starring Mike Myers so many times that every time I see it I say all the lines along side the movie since I basically memorized the script and whenever I see someone say it's bad I come up with long intricate rebuttals which usually just make the other person leave since they did not expect this level of obsession over a 17 year old movie

Ghost rider, I have every issue that Danny and Johnny have appeared in (guest starting, team ups ,full runs) and 97% of all ghost rider merchandise

Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I once watched a Livestream and told people a bunch of Easter Eggs. The movie got paused a few times to confirm.

He loved his wife, was devastated when she died, got her book published, and in so doing, helped bring a criminal to justice. I oughta fucking slap you.

>Zig Forums related
Ninja Turtles maybe? I'm pretty casual, desu
>in general
growing weed

I have a large Excel sheet filled with all the times Riddler has made minor to major appearances in comics according to ComicVine's list and had read through them all while grading them on how much I like the Riddler's portrayal in it (Green is good, orange is okay, red is bad). I'm only showing a tiny portion of it so that one other autist who likes Riddler doesn't tell me I have shit taste for not liking ____.

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He killed his wife.

Oh I thought user was making a Parks and Rec joke I didn't understand cause I didn't watch it but if he is actually accusing him of murdering his wife than that is fucking disgusting

We heard you the first time.

The comic? Elaborate.

Probably Ed Edd n Eddy.

I might be called a fag for saying it but I got pretty retard amount of knowledge on Steven Universe

That's actually pretty cool.

There's a character called Denise Russo, that's all.

Was Russo her last name? I don't remember that ever being acknowledged. Either way, based FoxTrot bro.

Anything about Pixar

I know almost everything about these properties and you can't fool me. Down to some of the people involved and their choices.

I also know everything about Alvin and the Chipmunks

Mortal Kombat. I have all the comics: the old Malibu ones, the tie in ones for the games, and the Brazilian series too. I've also watched all the stuff they've put out like movies and TV shows and own them all as well.

Sonic the Hedgehog and/or Mega Man, particularly the archie shit.

Male celebrities whose wives died under suspicious circumstances.

hey can you fuck off?

>pcp lectures where they do tails got trolled and sonichu and shit
Hell yeah dude I love that channel. I'm gunna turn on the One Piece lecture while painting minis tomorrow