Am I completely irrelevant?

Am I completely irrelevant?

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That clit better be a fucking ovipositor

tell me who you are first then i'll let you know

You were my waifu til dyke shippers had their way for virtue signal points
One day that studio and blizzard (for Tracer) will pay


wasnt her only purpose in this show to cuck mako and get blacked by korra?

I'm sure Korra appreciates your carpet munching ability.

imagine being a lesbian and having a girlfriend who is bad at giving head. thats gotta be the biggest letdown


Don't see why she or Tracer still can't be your waifu. They'll fuck whoever you want in your mind.

No, just a mildly boring wallflower, that has zero chemistry with the people around her.

If one of your defining traits is your sexuality, that character is either a wallace tier character, or just meh. In this case, it's the latter.

Did she do anything of note in seasons 2 and 3?


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Your show failed to live up to your predecessor, and your character is completely tied to being the gf of the main character rather than your own interesting individual. You are irrelevant.

You eat pussy
So no.

Your VA made a creepy as fuck spectacle of herself talking about how girls sometimes should like other girls because friendship ans dhit and the rest of the cast looked at her with unrestrained disgust and shock.

And Bryke are scumbags who'll do whatever to keep their trash on the air.

Yes, first thing I thought was "oh she's that lady who likes bread"

yeah literally all you've done in the comics is be kidnapped and kiss korra.

She's gay.
The very people who wanted her to be gay fought long and hard to push this.
And lets be honest.
What you are suggesting is DANGEROUSLY close to condoning what they would consider rape.

They are dykes so they are not waifu material any longer.
They aren't even porn material
There are too many straight hot women to fuck fap to and waifu to get hung up on gash bashers.

Gay bitches screamoing about representation whining that they arent treated like normal women or lusted after because of their sexualit and personality is fucking weird and infuriating.

Bitches are gay.
You got your characters now.
Fuck off.

Asami doesn't do very much except Korra

2 no, she was egregiously sidelined. 3 yes.

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I feel like almost every character in Korra had a stretch of episodes (of varying length) where it was obvious the show had no idea what to do with them and yet for some reason kept cutting back to them.

Like...if a character has nothing to do or no bearing on the plot, why continually feature them? Just...let them exist offscreen

Can I get a source on the VA going on a gay tirade?

It was at a comic con before the last season I think.
Oh goddamn was it uncomfortable and creepy. The rest of the voice cast were visibly going what the fuck and skeeved out.

None of Korra's characters are memorable unless they have some tie to a character from ATLA. Earlier weeks ago there was some thread devoted to the Earth King? From which season I forget but I had completely forgotten that existed. Unless its Korra, Tenzin or the villains the other ensemble just doesnt exist to me.

That sounds hilarious. Hoepfully she hasn't gotten any more roles along with most of Korra's cast (outside JK Simmons).

Yes and no. Technically yes because you're useless and drag the plot with stupid love triangles but at the long term no because LoK as a franchise nowadays depend exclusively on muh korrasami after this shit became pure meme magic

I doubt anyone care that much, not even Asami's VA. It just happen actors are egomaniacs by nature and they can't resist to to be the center of attention. At that point only tumblrites still care about LoK so the best way to get attention was to say what they wanted to hear. Nothing personal, kid

Yes, to the point of the animators forgetting to include you in group shots on multiple occasions.

absolutely hideous

big gay

Appa had more personality than Asami, and they played the same role in their respective group.

She was the token non bender but unlike Sokka who had charisma, and the role of comedy relief Asami has nothing she only exists to show Korra, Mako and Bolin aren't bender supremacists and after the equalist arc she only sticks around to occasionally drive them somewhere.

She isn't real.
Fuck off.